Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, February 19, 2024

Good Morning

If I didn't have cats....

 I wouldn't have anything!

I weirdly enjoy photographing the fur balls at night. I'm continuously amazed at how well the camera phone works in the dark. Did you see those golden hightops? I read they are selling out. P.T Barnum knew what he was talking about, there is a fool born every minute. That's all I have to say......

The horses had round bales put out for them this morning, so all is right in equine land. Eating machines. They are doing well, even the twenty-nine year old Babe. My geriatric herd. Speaking of geriatric, the medication the NP prescribed seems to be helping with my pain. I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I am cautiously hopeful. One would think someone would have thought of addressing the pain over these years, yes?

That's my only k'vetch today. 


Anonymous said...

Oh, those golden sneakers! The word tacky..comes to mind the utter shamelessness of it. I see a lot of jokes coming from this latest "give me your money, I am fighting for you" tactic. My advice is resist the golden sneakers!
I am glad your pain is diminished.

Take Care,

Boud said...

Cautious optimism is a lot further on than in your past medical history. Go for it, and I'm glad the pain is a bit reduced.

Sandra said...

There are no limits, Kaye. It's a bottomless pit!

Sandra said...

It is, Boud. I'm not getting my hopes up but I would like to.

Val Ewing said...

Pain management should always be a top priority for patients. That is all I need to say about that.

As for those hightops? Ewwwww. I could spray paint my hiking boots like that but who would want to walk around in those awful things?

I would not buy his pewfume either ... Yep, he is putting his name on that too.

e said...

I am glad you have some relief. I hope you have more.

Lori Skoog said...

All good news. Funny, this morning a friend in Baltimore called Gary to say that he sent him a pair of sneakers. Now they are selling on EBay for $1000! It will be easy to identify T's groupies when they start wearing them.

Miss Merry said...

I think I saw the video of the golden sneakers about four times before I figured out it was real and not a funny skit by a comedian. Honestly - a new low.

Sandra said...

Val, I realized no one addressed my pain, as in alleviating it.

Once a huckster always a huckster.

Sandra said...

e, thanks. Hopefully you are feeling better.

Sandra said...

Lori, can you even! Something has gone seriously wrong with a lot of people. I expect to see them in the community I live in. Trumpland.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, imagine how difficult it is for the satirists!

Anvilcloud said...

I confess to also being a bit of an ailurophile.

Sandra said...

There you go using those big words on me, AC! I had to look that up. I have always been a person with many dogs. Somehow things flipped and there are now 6 cats! Too many strays come to my door.

peppylady (Dora) said...

No kidding a fool is born all the time.

Pixie said...

People are buying them? Wow. Barnum was right.

Glad the pain med is helping.

Sandra said...

peppy lady, amazing. isn't it!

Sandra said...

Pixie, my friend, Lori posted a pair sold for $9000. The worship is something else.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, I had not seen the golden sneakers and now will have to look for them, but never buy. Barnum was definitely onto something. Did you hear the story about the sign he posted that read, Egress, and people thought it was an exotic animal instead of the exit.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, no I wasn't aware of that one. Funny!! There are people just waiting for someone to fleece them.