Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, February 1, 2024


Remember Phoebe's, on the tv show Friends, song Smelly Cat?

If the shoe fits, Gatto, wear it. 

Without getting into too much graphic detail, my office is cat central, ie, litter boxes in the closet. I was reading blogs and Gatto was making a visit. I nearly gagged. Good god. I immediately placed an order for their own air purifier. This is number four in the house. I have a house dust allergy and have had purifiers for years, but the large one in the bedroom was enough for the three rooms in that area.  Smelly Cat has changed that. This purifier has a place for essential oil. I really didn't think I'd actually devote a blog post to cat stink, but here it is. Can you tell it made an impression? What did he eat?

Onward. It's sunny and mild. The sun is a welcome sight. My son cancelled their visit on Saturday. He is having serious tooth pain and is hoping for a dental appointment ASAP. Mark said they may make it on my half birthday in June. Funny Mark. 


Val Ewing said...

ahhhhah...sorry, had to laugh.

I have smelly dog. Smelly dog went in the tub. Smelly dog smells better and is now giving me the stink eye.

Ouch, hope your son can get to the dentist quickly.

Sandra said...

Val, I can laugh now. At the time I was hobbling out of there, gagging all the way. I had the purifier ordered within 5 minutes of the nostril attack. I don't know why I waited this long, it didn't smell like cat in there, but the litter is scented and I don't particularly care of the odor. Now it fresh as a daisy. Because I have a cat with one front leg I don't keep the litter boxes in the basement like I used to. So, it's my office closet.

I hope found an opening somewhere, he said the pain is excruciating.

e said...

It seems I have smelly cat daily! I'm sorry your son had to cancel. I hope you can enjoy the day anyway.

Miss Merry said...

I'm so sorry your visit got cancelled. I know you were looking forward to seeing them. You can't disagree with tooth pain, it is awful. Something has to be done.
I'm glad you are solving the smelly cat issue! I know others appreciate the advice.

Sandra said...

e, you have my sympathies! Get an air purifier!

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, it's disappointing but couldn't be helped. My office smells nice and fresh.

Pixie said...

I had a patient fart yesterday and felt the same way, emptied the room pretty quickly, poor lady:)

Sandra said...

OMG! Thank you for the laugh :) I know no one was laughing at the time!

Far Side of Fifty said...

:0 Cats can be real stinky sometimes:) Glad the purifier works!

Sandra said...

Far Side, this was really awful!! Maybe he ate a mouse.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, Thanks for the birthday well wishes as they were much appreciated.

When I read that the litter box was in a closet, I thought that you must have a large one.We do not have any pets now that we are apt dwellers. In years past as homeowners we had them, but there is no good place for a litter box in the apt, except perhaps the second bathroom as the spare closet is not only smallish, but filled with our stuff. So placement would be an issue. Dogs are permitted, supposedly only service dogs, but folks bend the rules and so all sizes can be seen...but then they require walking and in all types of weather. Hope the purifier does the job for you.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Forgot to add that hopefully your son will be able to get a dental appointment soon and too bad the visit was cancelled. Hopefully, the rescheduled visit will be before your half-birthday.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, it is a large closet. It holds 3 litter boxes and a bakers rack for storage. It’s the only place for them other than the basement which would be hard on tripod kitty. So it’s my office! I hope you had a really good birthday. He’s on a waiting list to get in. They seem to be really busy.