Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Greedy Cat

I put this dog bed on the front porch for the young cat that's been hanging around here. I also put out food and water. The first evening it was there the kitty was laying on it. Ever since then, this chunk has taken over. Tabby can spend all the time he wants on comfortable furniture in the house. Instead he spends all his time sleeping on this bed outside. Poor little kitty. At least it can get into the hay loft. I never will understand cats.

Other than cat news, nothing much is happening in my world. I finished this book yesterday. I didn't think I was going to like it at the start, but it got better. I do think the ending was a bit of a throw-away. One opinion.


Anonymous said...

I loved "Bel Canto" I don't remember the ending ..I think it ended with the government charging in and the result was massive killing of anyone and everyone. The shoot now ask questions later scenario.
Take Care,

Boud said...

Bel canto was very good, but patchett chooses titles that put me off, then eventually I try them, usually for a book group and find it's very good.

Sandra said...

Kaye, what I didn't like was the marriage of the translator and the soprano. It felt thrown in there. I suppose there is an argument to be made that it was a natural result after the trauma experienced, but it still bothered me.

Sandra said...

Boud, I've read several of her books but there are still many I haven't. I find her an interesting writer. I've got another I'm waiting on in my library queue.

Val Ewing said...

Our neighborhood cat prefers the hay stack and wandering between our place and the neighbor who 'owns' her. He feeds her, and her job was to get the mice in his workshop. She spends most of her time hunting in my sheds and often sits on Charlie's bench on the porch!

Yesterday I got within 5 feet of her while I was in the shed. I just say hi to her.
I have never quite figured out cats.

Sandra said...

Val, this kitty wants to come in, but is afraid. I don't know if it lives somewhere near here or if it's a stray. My guess is a stray. I wish Tabs would sleep somewhere else! If you get cats figured out be sure to let me know.

Anonymous said...

Sandra, I do not even remember the marriage. I still have the book, I read it in 2002. I do not re-read books but I will look through this maybe it will help me remember.
Take Care,

Lori Skoog said...

Do you have another old dog bed?

Bohemian said...

Cats can get comfy almost anywhere and twist themselves into such contortions while Sleeping, that I'm envious. *LOL*

Sandra said...

Kaye, I wouldn't remember either from 2002!

Sandra said...

Lori, no, I don't. I could use blankets but the cat wouldn't come onto the porch with Tabs there. Tabby will likely get bored and stop spending all his time there. I hope.

Sandra said...

Dawn, they don't love their comfort!

Anvilcloud said...

Right now, ours is sleeping under the desk in the corner. It makes some sense in winter, but it has to be the hottest corner in the house in summer when she sleeps there.

Sandra said...

Anvilcloud, they do love heat. Even in summer, which makes no sense to me, but then what do I know....I'm just their servant!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Sure a pretty cat.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Dora. He was born in my barn 9 years ago in May. Four kittens and they are still all with us.