Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

A Good Day to be Outside

Mark tells me he has alleycat charm. 

Finally. Finally we have nice weather. Sunshine, mild temperature and lower humidity. This sounds like a day outside for me. The grass is long and I could do with a bit of sun. That will be my afternoon, after the dew is off the grass.

That's about it. Take it easy out there. If you can't take it easy, take it anyway you can.


Boud said...

I long for a day to be outside! Enjoy your day.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Have a good day!

Miss Merry said...

Enjoy a good weather summer day!!!

Rita said...

Supposed to be in the 70s again today.
It's marvelous! Enjoy! :)

Sandra said...

Boud, hopefully this weather is moving east.

Sandra said...

Thanks Far Side, you too!

Sandra said...

MissMerry, you can bet I will!!

Sandra said...

Rita, you enjoy it as well. We need this!

Val Ewing said...

The air is fresh and clean feeling for once! A good day for mowing and outdoor work!

Anonymous said...

I love these words of yours, "If you can't take it easy, take it anyway you can." These are words to live by.
It is my belief that alley cats choose their people and know who they want to be with, they are good judges of character. They seem to know who is kind.
Wishing you cool days and nights,

Sandra said...

It’s wonderful outside, Val! I’ve done about a third of the yard.

CheerfulMonk said...

Have a great day. May the good weather continue!

Anvilcloud said...

The temperatures were down somewhat today, but the humidity must have been close to 100%. Just doing a bit of stuff soaked me in no time flat.

Sandra said...

Kaye, whatever it is, his charm or his, whatever, The kitties adore him. Frieda and Gatto like me, Jiggy does not. Spoiled brat.

For most of my life I was the Eagles song, 'Take it to the Limit'. Now I more model their song, 'Take it Easy'! Life has it's curves in the road, it sure does.

Sandra said...

Cheerful, I had a good day. I was outside for most of it. I hope you had a good one, too.

Sandra said...

AC, I'm so sorry about that. It's where we have been in, like, forever. There is no doing anything as far as I am concerned. I just melt.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I wish I could give you a positive weather report. It 🔥 here in Idaho.

Lori Skoog said...

I think your weather is coming our way tomorrow! Yay!

Ami said...

That cat has gorgeous eyes. I have to admit that I'm a lot more open to the idea of cats as roommates after Lyssa and Mason lived here so long with Pixel. I miss her. When I go over and visit, she always comes to say hi to me and purr for a couple minutes.

Enjoy the weather. I was thinking today that in 2 months I'll be wearing a sweatshirt in the morning and using the AC in my car in the afternoon. My favorite times of year are those.

Sandra said...

Dora, hopefully you will get some relief. I sure appreciate the weather change.

Sandra said...

Lori, I hope it is better today. We have another really nice one on tap.

Sandra said...

Ami, this is Frieda. She was a stray kitten who wanted to come in 5 years ago. I guess she got what she wanted!

We have a longer Autumn than we used to. That I like. We have another nice day.