Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, July 12, 2024

Two of Bambi

Aren't they adorable?!

They had been happily romping about before I started taking a video. Of course they stopped the show. Still cute. Mama is attentive. Taking about mama, Rocky Raccoon had me fooled. I was certain Rocky was a male since this is the second year hanging out here and no sign of little ones. Last evening that supposition went out the proverbial window when Rocky came onto the front porch for HER evening meal of cat food, followed by two tykes. Oh, boy. I hope they disperse after they are weaned from mama. One raccoon's enough, some might even say it's one too many. Wild life seems to be flourishing this summer, even if I'm not. We have a large turkey family, a teenage deer, mama and her fawns and now the Rocket and company. Also, rabbits and the red squirrels seem to have made a comeback.

Along with the perpetually high humidity we now are coming into a hot spell. I may have to turn on the ancient air conditioner, if it actually will turn on. The thing is amazing in its longevity. 

Oh, as you can see the falling down arena fence is still falling down. Between the uncooperative weather and just plan business on Mark's part, it is still its ugly eyesore self. He promises by the end of autumn. Somehow I think I've heard this before.


nick said...

Red squirrels are very rare over here. I've seen loads of grey squirrels but only one red squirrel in the 15 years I've been living in NI.

nick said...

Oh, that should be 24 years. I've been in this house for 15 years.

Sandra said...

Nick, I hadn't seen a red squirrel until I moved to this area 30 years ago. I lived in St. Paul, less than an hour away and only saw grey squirrels. There aren't any grey squirrels here. As I understand it, red squirrels are quite aggressive and if they get a foothold they chase out the grey squirrels.

Pixie said...

I love wildlife and how wonderful to have them in your yard (as long as they don't destroy stuff).

My husband has been "meaning" to do something between our house and the neighbors for literally years. I'm guessing I'll do it myself this summer and if he doesn't like it, too bad.

Yesterday I changed the spark plug and the air filter on the lawn mower and today I bought patio furniture (our first), rented a fan and brought it home myself.

The sky's the limit, until I hurt myself of course:)

Boud said...

We have more than enough gray squirrels. I wonder if a few red squirrels could be imported. No deer in my immediate neighborhood, though they're around town.

Rita said...

What I was fascinated by years ago on a trip to Canada were the black squirrels! They are so cool!

The fawns are so cute. Mama was keeping such a close watch on them. :)

Baby raccoons are also very cute--but they grow up. With those little hands and ability to climb they can get into so much and be so destructive. They do love attics or outbuildings...especially come fall when it gets cold. I agree--I hope she is territorial enough to keep those babies away when they are older. Not sure about how they are as far as that is concerned. I still really like them, regardless. Squirrels can get inside properties also for that matter and be a pain in the patoot--but I still really like them, too--lol!

I hope your AC works! Supposed to be in the 90s here for a few days and then the 80s--little or no rain, though--no end in sight so far. Stay cool! :)

Sandra said...

Pixie, you are industrious! I would not have a clue how to change an air filter of spark plug. It's interesting how things they aren't so concerned about never get done!!

The deer have eaten my zucchini plant but nothing else. I have groundhogs here, with little ones. They can be damaging but they live under the pole barn and there's no foundation to destroy with that. Rocky has just been interested in cat food.

Sandra said...

Boud, the red squirrels are no better or worse than the grey, other than aggressiveness. Except smaller and, well, reddish. 😉

Sandra said...

Rita, those babies are cute, deer and raccoon. I don't like trapping and rehoming after I read about it. The animal doesn't do well, usually, as it is in another territory. We have always kept an eye on the eaves of the house, I don't want squirrels in the attic. It is strange to have a raccoon take up part time residence in the barn. The cats and the horses pay it no mind. Odd.

BootsandBraids said...

You're living in a Disney movie.

Miss Merry said...

We live in town and this year I am calling our ring cameras our wildlife cameras. We have a bunch of deer who cut between our house and garage (a brick walkway 8 feet wide) during the night and our doorbell camera is picking up skunks who march from one end of our porch to who knows where (I am not opening that door in the dark anymore) and a large raccoon who keeps trying to scale our porch posts to reach our roof. Luckily we have white posts and we can see his paw prints in mud. My husband's job this summer is trying to find things to rub on the posts and sprinkle in the ground to deter the raccoon. I am also worried about ticks since the deer cut through is near my grandkid's sandbox and I don't want them to get ticks.

CheerfulMonk said...

Yes, they're adorable! Thank you for sharing. And good luck with the air conditioner. We have one in our living room and it's a blessing at times.

e said...

I hope your AC works. In my part of the world they do not last long enough to be ancient. You are so fortunate in all the nature there. I'm sorry for your loss. I did attempt a comment on the previous post but accidently hit the wrong key...sending it into the ethers. Sudden death is hard to take.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Couple years ago I saw a little fawn jumping around a hay field. It was such an 😂 to watch.

Val Ewing said...

It is hot and muggly for sure.
I just got in and have decided that the grass I have to mow might just wait until tomorrow. I am soaking wet from using the weedyyy whacker.

No worries on your fence. I am happy when certain junk piles are overgrown all summer with weeds and grapevines--> then I can't see the mess I wish to have cleaned up.

One step at a time right?

Anvilcloud said...

The younguns are cute, but I am sure that you don't want a whole clan hanging about.

Sandra said...

B&B, maybe next I see Snow White and the dwarfs!

Sandra said...

MissMerry, much of wildlife adapts to urban life. This year I'm seeing more than I have for awhile. Raccoons are excellent climbers, good luck finding something to keep it from climbing the posts. I haven't seen a skunk in a long time.

Sandra said...

CheerfulMonk, they are cute! I hope I see them again. Wejust had a storm so you know the humidity will be horrid.

Sandra said...

e, here it's the furnace that doesn't last long. I was surprised by the animals I would see when we first moved here. I had no personal connection to Mark's brother, but Mark did and he will miss him. It was a surprise.

Sandra said...

Dora, they are so fun to watch, playful little cuties!

Sandra said...

Val, I'm not used to it having spent 3 years basically chair bound, so I am careful about over exertion. Mark was digging out cocklebur yesterday, I think he was nuts, but he wanted it gone. We just has a storm, so it will be stifling today.

Yep, one step at a time.

Sandra said...

AC, probably not in the yard!