Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Animal Central

My personal assistant.

It's been hot and quite humid the past few days. When did we become Florida? Ah, well. 

This photo of Rocky Raccoon was taken in the dark through a window pane. I will feed her sans her brood. There are too many rambunctious young'uns and I don't want them hanging around. No raccoon village needs to be developed on this property. Rocky has been here since she was an older baby. She thinks she is one of the cats. She gives Mr. McCool a wide berth. 

This is the sum total of life as we are living it. Cats. Raccoons. Elderly horses. Elderly two-leggers.


Far Side of Fifty said...

That looks like a great place to sleep! We all need more naps!

Boud said...

There could be worse lives! A cat in every laundry basket -- wasn't that a presidential promise?

marlane said...

Thanks for commenting on my post. My husband deliberately feeds our local wild life Raccoons and Possums mostly. We live in a housing tract.

peppylady (Dora) said...

It been sometime since I seen a racoon.

Lori Skoog said...

Such a sweet kitty. Smart too! I'm not handling your humidity very well!

Pixie said...

Cats, they drive me crazy sometimes. They have to lie right where you don't want them to:)

Anvilcloud said...

It's nice to have critters about, and you have your share.

Ami said...

I could use a laundry assistant. Send him over if you get tired of him?

We just got back from a trip to Eastern Oregon. Saw a lot of critters, my personal favorite were the twin fawns that were born in my mom's front yard, under the trees. The mother deer chooses that place every year, it's a safe place for her to leave her babies while she goes out for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Then she comes back and naps with them in the heat of the day.

Sandra said...

Far Side, he has the life!

Sandra said...

Boud, yes, a presidential promise!

Sandra said...

Marlene, welcome! If you feed them, they will come. :)

Sandra said...

Dora, It had been awhile for me, too. Until Rocky moved in.

Sandra said...

Lori, either am I. Hopefully we don't send you the severe weather coming later in the day. It's just miserable. Except for Gatto, he thinks life is pretty good!

Sandra said...

Pixie. Cats do what they want, they don't care what we mere mortals think or want!

Sandra said...

AC, it is and we sure do!

Sandra said...

Ami, be careful what you wish for!

I would love to see something like that. A good mama.

Rita said...

Perfect nap-spot for a cat--lol!
Yes, I'd be afraid the whole family of raccoons would show up, but one is very cute.
I do really miss feeding the critters here.

Val Ewing said...

I prefer no raccoons as they killed many of my chickens I once had and they like to get into things. That is just me. :)

I have a time with Woodchucks right now, the last invasion of them caused damage in the shed and of course to my transmission line.

That's what I get for living in the middle of nowhere.

We have all elderly animals here also, except for Charlie.

Sandra said...

Rita, anywhere he places himself is perfect, because he's there. Just ask him! I haven't seen the raccoon herd for awhile. Hope they moved on.

Sandra said...

Val, I know they are carnivorous. They do kill cats, I also know. This one grew up with cats but her youngsters are different. I hope she moves them on.

It is an old folks home here.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

There's nothing like a fresh and most likely warm pile of laundered clothes to nap in, at least if you;re a smart cat, which yours is indeed, Sandra. The sum of life is good.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, he has a natural instinct for comfort!