Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, July 11, 2024

And So We Go On

The funeral of Mark's brother was yesterday in Spicer, Minnesota, an hour forty-five minutes from here. All siblings were able to be there. A sister who lives in Huntington Beach, CA, a brother in Florida, one brother in Wisconsin and two brothers in South Dakota. The remainder are all in the greater Twin Cities area. Sudden death is difficult to grasp. Mark said his brother's wife and children were having a tough time, not surprising. Mark seemed to handle it well. First one to die of ten. I'm certain that was on everyone's mind.

This is a reunion of one branch of Mark's family in the early 2000s.  


Pixie said...

OMG that's a massive family!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Big family, hopefully they support each other in their grief.

Sandra said...

Pixie, and that's just part of it! Mark's mother came from a family of 14 kids. His dad, a measly 4. They could populate a town.

Sandra said...

Far Side, it is huge. They are supportive of one another.

Boud said...

I imagine that the first to go is very sobering for the other family members. I'm glad they're supportive

Anvilcloud said...

That's an amazing gathering. My family is sooo small.

Sandra said...

Boud, yes, I would think so, too. Before that I think death is just a concept. Now it's a reality. There are enough of them, so there is support. Mark's brother has 4-5 kids. The son live very near his mother and a couple of daughters aren't too far away.

Sandra said...

AC, mine, too. I have my son and husband. This amount of people is still overwhelming to me.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Glad they all came.

Sandra said...

Dora, yes, it was good they could make it.

CheerfulMonk said...

Wow! I'm glad they have one another.

Miss Merry said...

I'm so sorry for your loss. A sad reunion.

Rita said...

He has a huge family! Mine is small on both my father's and my mother's side. I should say was small. Everyone is gone now from those generations. I am the eldest now. Weird! I hadn't thought of it that way before now. Yikes! And my son is the oldest in the next generation. Can't imagine that many people in a family, but it must have lots of pluses about it. :)

Val Ewing said...

That is a huge family! I think we had a pretty large family when you counted all my mom's siblings and their husbands and all of our cousins.
We had great get togethers 40+ years ago, but not any more.

The last time I saw so many of my extended family was at my Grandmother's funeral.

Anyway. It is tough to lose a member of the family. :(

Sandra said...

CheerfulMonk, they do .

Sandra said...

MissMerry, Mark is doing well.

Sandra said...

Rita, I am like you, the only one! My son has his bio-dad's family plus he is involved with his wife's family. I am not involved with Mark's, so it is just me, the son and Mark!

Sandra said...

Vai, that's a lot of people. I think this was at least 20 years ago. That was the last time. It's funerals where Mark see extended family, too.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

As others have already commented, Mark does come from a very family and it seems the opposite for so many of us, myself included as I have one sibling. Parents, grandparents and 2 sets of aunts/uncles are gone as well. While the funeral was a sad occasion, it was perhaps helpful that everyone was able to be there to support his brother’s family.