Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Cats in a Porch

Cats in Repose

We don't use this porch for ourselves anymore. It's a shame, but the change in heat and humidity over the past years, along with the large tree that shaded it coming down, have made it uncomfortable. Except to them. It is a cat room. They think it's great.

We had more rain overnight and strong wind. Two trees came down in a pasture, otherwise all is intact. We are saturated. The foliage sure is happy, which makes me feel better. The large pines were starting to show stress after three years of drought. It would be devastating to lose them.

Otherwise, nothing going on here. We all know what happened at the rally in Pennsylvania. We will never deal with the gun issue. 


Pixie said...

Americans do love their guns. I personally don't have any guns, I don't live in fear, nor do I think a gun will protect me. Guns didn't protect trump, did they?

Boud said...

Cats and their porches. The original colonizers.

Val Ewing said...

Charlie loves our open air porch. He will sit on it all day either on his own personal rug, or on his comfy pillow on the bench.

He can watch the yard that way.

As for the other? Yep, it was a shock and not a shock.

Anvilcloud said...

Cats are the best at finding comfort.

Sandra said...

Pixie, the gun didn't help the shooter, did it. we don't have guns, either.

Sandra said...

I never thought of it that way, Boud!

Sandra said...

Val, if he's going to guard his domain he may as well be comfy.

The perverted country with a perverted interpretation of an amendment that had its own problems from the beginning. Even without that factor, what happened to 'well regulated'?

Sandra said...

AC, you got that right!

CheerfulMonk said...

That's sad that you can't use your porch anymore At least the cats are happy.

peppylady (Dora) said...

We could use some ☔.

Sandra said...

It's too hot. We can try in early autumn, CheerfulMonk.

Sandra said...

Dora, I hope some comes your way. We are forecast more tonight.

Bohemian said...

Too much Money flowing for the Gun Issue to be appropriately resolved. Those Cats in repose is a lovely Image tho'. Glad the Rains have watered the drought stricken landscape. Sorry you too are losing Trees... we have been thru a lot of that in these parts... drought, fires, climate change, Bark Beetle infestations and stress related illness setting in has killed off Trees and ancient Cacti like the Saguaro. The ancient Saguaro exploded last Year and this Year is hotter so those that Survived are not doing well... a Study is being done... when the Ancient ones can't Survive or Thrive, it is Telling about what is to come.

Rita said...

Cats do love the heat and sunshine. I've never figured out why they do with all that fur.
All the violent rhetoric combined with all the guns...bound to happen to politicians, too. Regular citizens have had to deal with shootings for far too long. Such a shame they refuse to do anything about it.
Stay cool down there. :)

Sandra said...

Dawn, we have a real screwed up sense of values. I realized this when politicians refused to do anything after Sandy Hook.

Climate change is turning AZ into an unlivable place as far as I can see. Losing ancient cactus I guess is the price paid for fiddling while Rome Burns.

Sandra said...

Rita, I don't get it either, but the cats love it.

The rhetoric has become scarily violent.I worry about what is next. Something, that's one thing I'm sure of.

Far Side of Fifty said...

The cats look all comfy!
We have guns and pistols and I haven't shot anyone, responsible gun ownership is possible.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I agree with you. The problem is weapons that are designed to kill many in a short time are not necessary. Yet there they are.

Miss Merry said...

It's the military assault weapons. This kid was not even at the event. He was able to kill one and very serious wound 2 people from quite a distance away with his AK45. No private citizen needs these weapons. And this is a state with no background checks.

nick said...

The cats look very cosy in their cat room. And they don't have to worry about lunatics on rooftops.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, I agree. What is their purpose other than killing many fast? Why is the 'well regulated' part ignored?

Sandra said...

nick, the cats will leave us to our lunacy and enjoy life in comfort and smugness!

Lori Skoog said...

Your weather has arrived in Brockport (Monday).

Sandra said...

Sorry bout that, Lori.