Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Sunshine. No Lollipops.

Good late morning from the Northland.

Sun is shining, snow is melting. We are expecting 6"-12"of snow starting tomorrow. We need it. I had done some physical work on Thursday, so I gave my back a rest yesterday. I made white bean and bacon soup, which will be today's lunch, and then a loaf of Italian bread in the afternoon. That was the excitement of the day. More clearing out and cleaning up in my office after lunch. I'm pretty much useless until afternoon, don't ask me why. But I am.

For several years my office was unused. After I stopped running a business of horses I gradually stopped using it. I had a laptop, so I generally used the kitchen table. My laptop aged out and I didn't want to spend the money on a new MacBook, so I began using the iMac that had been languishing on my desk. I now find I prefer this. So, the repository of all things dumped must be cleared. It's been awhile, but I have not been up to the task. I am now. I think. So....that's my story of the day. 


Boud said...

That loaf is like a food magazine cover. Whoa.

Sandra said...

Boud, it's good! Crispy crust. I am planning to make several loaves of different bread to freeze so we don't end up buying bread because I didn't get around to making any. We will see how that pans out.

Far Side of Fifty said...

The bread looks great!

peppylady (Dora) said...

When I was young I really like snow. Not so much now.

Val Ewing said...

6 to 12? Yikes!

I know north of us the snow is supposed to come in hard, wet, and heavy. We had some overnight and are expecting more which is good. By Monday it will turn to rain which we need!

Hopefully things go okay with this storm.

Your bread looks picture perfect. A masterpiece.

Anvilcloud said...

I still use a desktop computer, mainly for the big screen for my photo editing. Enjoy the snow.

Sandra said...

Dora, I don't mind winter, except for the heating cost! It's been nice not needing to plow.

Sandra said...

Why, thank you Val! We ar on the northern edge of the system, meaning we are expected to get a pile of snow, then, like you, rain.

Sandra said...

AC, yes, I like the screen size and also the position of my back. I can sit upright, so much better.

Sandra said...

Far Side, thanks!

Lori Skoog said...

I have an iMac on my desk in the library and I prefer it to anything. I use my iPad when our band is rehearsing or playing out as there is an app (Songbook) that holds all of our music so we don't need hard copies. Then, a friend gifted me a MacAir, which does not get that much use. I do not like the position for your hands (and posture) when I am not using my desk top. And an iPhone? Boy is apple ever in trouble.

So glad that you are feeling better! Hopefully our snow will have melted by Tuesday (60 degrees). We have had nearly 50 inches less than last year.

I could go for a piece of that bread!

Sandra said...

Well, Lori, I think we are relics from another time. The much younger use the phone for everything! I've responded to comments on my phone, but these old eyes and gnarled hands prefer a keyboard!

I made the bread with 1/3 of the flour white whole wheat. It makes me feel it's more healthy!

Miss Merry said...

Sounds like my weekend except the snow quantity. We only got about 3 inches (on top of my daffodils and crocus. I finally made the appointment for taxes and that meant I had to file all my paperwork from January as I looked for the tax documents that I could have sworn I set aside. Spoiler: I didn't. The tray I specifically got out to hold them was empty at the bottom of the pile. In between times, I managed to wash four loads of laundry, fold or hang it all. I had a roast in the crockpot yesterday and today will be beef vegetable soup while I pad my back with pillows in my chair.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, Mark is a CPA and since I retired from the horse business I don't have to be involved in anything taxes. It was demoralizing when I had to go through my expenses and income. The saying about how you make a small fortune in horses is true. You start with a late one!

I love beef vegetable soup, especially with barley. Snow is falling now.

The Happy Whisk said...

Bean soup sounds very good. I love beans. Love them. Love them. Hope your back continues to improve.

Sandra said...

Ivy, so do I. Fiber, protein all wrapped up in a small package.

The Happy Whisk said...

Yes! That's what I love too!

Beatrice said...

Sandra, that is a seriously beautiful load of bread and my husband would be so envious as the ones he has tried making lately have not been turning out well. I usually do the no knead bread baked in a cast iron pot and have no experience with a loaf. Can you direct me to a recipe you like using and I will share with my husband to make his day and have a loaf come out as nice.

Sandra said...

Beatrice, yes. I'll send you an email later today.