Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Horses and Weeding

We've had a lot of rain. The pasture grass is up to the horses bellies, they are in grass heaven. The grass has started to seed, so the sugar content has lowered, greatly reducing the risk of grass colic and founder. Until you've tended horses it isn't possible to know how sensitive their digestive system is. They are large, strong beasts and they are also sensitive beasts.

The oldest of the herd is Babe, a 29 year-old mare. The youngest is Ivy, a 19 year-old mare. Babe looks remarkably well. As her breeder I going to say good breeding counts!

It's windy today so Mark may be able to continue his garden weeding venture. It's hard to see if there is anything but weeds in there. I stopped helping him weed long ago. He is a master weeder and he actually enjoys doing it, so my job is to tell him what not to pull. I must get to the nursery, nothing is planted. I see my primary tomorrow so I will go after that. I'm going to throw out the idea of muscle relaxers, since I seem to have jumped on the Pharma wagon. My back pain is greatly reduced, but the muscles are very tight. I have to walk slightly bent forward and I don't like it. I do my stretching exercises daily, along with chair yoga and it just doesn't release. It's worth bringing up. I also think I have scalp psoriasis and I'd like that confirmed, one way or the other. It would explain the loss of hair. The joys of the Golden Years. 


Lori Skoog said...

I would love to see some photos of your horses! Mark is one heck of a sport to help with them and your gardens. Hope you get those muscles to relax.

Rita said...

I don't think I've ever even heard of anyone who loves to weed--lol! That's awesome!

What is the longest horses live? I've never been around horses but I have always been fascinated by them. The world has changed so much. They used to be our cars, carts, tractors, and important family members. I have so much respect for them.

I also walk slightly forward due to lower spine degeneration. Doubt anything will change that, but it makes my inner self not match my outer self, if you know what I mean. Inside I am still a young woman...or even a teenager. I am still the same inside over all these many decades. :)

Sandra said...

Lori, Mark grew up on a dairy farm. He has a very warm spot for livestock. He's gotten to know the diverse personalities of this equines and enjoys it. He likes weeding.

Val Ewing said...

Your horses sound like my mules. Oldest is 27, youngest is 19.

I love to weed. Yep. Love it. It is a job that eases the mind because you can only concentrate on the weeds and nothing else. I find it calming.

Perhaps some relaxers and then specific ways of opening up those muscles will help?

Sounds like you are making great strides though!

Sandra said...

Rita, Mark has a visceral dislike of weeds and gets great satisfaction from pulling them!

I've had a horse since I was eleven. My father was a horse guy, so that was why I was able to have one, he enjoyed them a lot. That horse died when I was twenty-two and it was 15 years before I got another. Then another and another! Then the farm. Most horses don't live past the late 20s, if they stay healthy. But, they can live well into the 30s. I had a boarded horse who died at 32 from colic. That is something that gets them. They have an awful intestinal tract. It's like miles of coiled rope, just looking for trouble.

I've had an MRI of my spine and there is very little degeneration, surprising for my age! I'll at least ask about muscle relaxants. I fully get it, I am the same. The bent over look doesn't match the rest of me. Long ago I worked in a nursing home. The women would tell me you don't change inside, it's the outside that betrays us!

Sandra said...

Val, if I had it to do all over again I would have a couple of mules. I really like them.

It's worth trying to pursue alternatives. I'll ask.

Anonymous said...

I also have sporadic back pain, and I wish I could give you an answer to it but I can't. Back pain can be caused by so many different things.

nick said...

That should be Nick, not anonymous.

Boud said...

I hope you can get some help with this. You're doing so well in general though.

Sandra said...

Nick, not anonymous, I like that! I find out tomorrow if my idea is feasible. I hope so. Celebrex has really helped the pain.

Sandra said...

Boud, I am so much better. I would be so happy if my idea was ok and it worked!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I don't mind weeding...but I am just not doing it anymore:) That makes me happy! Good luck at the Doctor!

Anvilcloud said...

Beans look so good, but I know I don't like them. Other than that, Go Big Pharma.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I don't mind either, but my back does. It feels like I wasting time I could be using somewhere else. Mark is really fast ay weeding.

Sandra said...

AC, I really like beans. I get bags of them from Neighbor Bill every summer. I never thought I would be thankful for Big Pharma. A sign of age!