Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, June 7, 2024

Interesting Information

I stumbled upon this video series yesterday brightline eating. I have watched three videos and I'm waiting for the next to be available. The information doesn't apply to me, but I find it really interesting and the presenter to be knowledgeable. I took the quiz. I already knew the answer; I am not an addictive personality. Unless you count horses, but let's not do that. There are many reasons I know this but the foundation reason is, I was a rebellious teenager during the sixties and we will leave it at that.

I posted this link for those who may have food chatter, who binge eat, who crave and consume foods loaded with sugar. Maybe this will be valuable information to someone who reads this.

Last evenings dinner. Tomorrow I'm going to grill ribs and try a BBQ sauce recipe my-friend-I've-never-met sent me. I don't like BBQ sauce, but I'm going to give this a go. It's made with rhubarb. He said it's not sickly sweet, which is what I do not like. The purple-ish rice is known as forbidden rice and emperor's rice. Or simply black rice. It's not the usual color one would expect, but it has a nutty flavor and it's a rice that is actually good for you. I thought I would explain it for anyone wondering what that purple stuff is.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Looks like a nice supper! I thought all rice was good for you!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Far Side. White rice, not so much. Brown rice, much better. Rice in general spiked blood glucose about the same as injecting table sugar into yourself. I've had to watch my A1c for years, so I've learned to pay attention to the glycemic index. Diabetes is a family business.

Rita said...

I've been KETO for several years and so avoid carbs of all kinds--well, limit them stringently. This looks delicious!! I have never had black rice. Didn't even know there was such a thing. I shall have to search for it. Thanks. :)

Lori Skoog said...

I want to hear about the rhubarb BBQ sauce! Ironically, I have posted (since we grow and sell it) at least 20 rhubarb recipes and that was one of them. Time for me to grill some ribs and give it a shot.

Bohemian said...

I have some Black Rice and should steam some for Dinner tomorrow... I'll probably be the only one that eats it, the Crew here isn't very adventurous when it comes to different flavor profiles of foods they aren't as familiar with. *LOL* I have an addictive personality and so there's lots of things I guard against, knowing that for me, it would or could become an addiction.

Val Ewing said...

I'm with the rice thing, I thought it was pretty good for you.

I used to have a neighbor who gave me wild rice each year. They canoed and harvested from some place in northern WI.
Now that was good rice.

Sandra said...

Rita, I would be very unhappy on KETO, but there are a lot of people who love it. I like my pasta just a bit too much! There are so many different rice grains, so much better than the well-known white rice.

Sandra said...

Lori, I hope to make the sauce and use it today. You don't just have rhubarb, you have RHUBARB!

Sandra said...

It's ok if the Crew doesn't eat it, that's all the more for you, Dawn! I am more than happy that I do not have an addictive personality. The struggle is hard for those who do.

Sandra said...

Val, white rice does have nutritional value. My main concern with it is the speed with which it becomes glucose. I personally find it bland, except with good Asian food! Wild rice isn't a grain, as is rice, i'st a marsh grass seed. My father loved it so I grew up on it.

Anvilcloud said...

I could eat that dish -- or at least the food on it. 😋

Sandra said...

😄 AC, you are funny!