Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Thank You

You have all been so kind to me through my pain, immobility and recovery, as well as being extremely complimentary regarding my weight loss. I had it pointed out a few years ago by a friend that I am unable to accept compliments. Well, I accept yours, along with the the kindness and empathy you have shown me over these couple of years. We don't need to be in the same room to call someone friend. You have my sincere gratitude.



Pixie said...

Compliments are hard, especially when we've been lied to. I'm just so glad you're feeling better.

Rita said...

We are new to each other, but it sounds like we've had a similar path the past couple of years. People can be just amazing, wonderful, supportive, and caring. I am happy to be a new member of your blog family. :)

Far Side of Fifty said...

There is too much negativism in the world,I like to think positive! Everyone has struggles the least we can do is be kind:)

Boud said...

You're welcome! You've done so well, we owe it to tell you so!

Anonymous said...

I have said it before I admire you . You have been an advocate for yourself
when others may have given up you persisted.
You look great and you sound great. I can't wait to see what is next for you!

Take Care,

Anvilcloud said...


Lori Skoog said...

Well deserved! You have come a long way....such determination!

e said...

Yay you and well done!

Sandra said...

I'm going to send out a group reply. I'm happy to be here, again. And, again. Thank you.

Val Ewing said...

Oh gosh. Just keep it up, it makes me happy to hear you are doing better.

Sandra said...

Thank you, Val.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

The blogging community is a wonderful support system of people and when compliments are given they are most sincere and, in your case, well deserved. Keep on going, Sandra.

Sandra said...

The blogging community is supportive, Beatrice. And thank you for being part of it.