Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Kitty Version of Giving the Bird

Frieda was looking at me, so cute I picked up my phone to take a photo. The little twerp turned her back to me.

It's another hot and humid day, with storms blowing in late this afternoon. After this storm we are going into a cooler and dry period of about ten days. We need to get the gardens sorted during that time. I haven't planted a thing. I'll need to get to the nursery. Otherwise, I have been plodding along in my organization endeavor. I have actually made some headway. Yippee, me!! I have never, ever been a fan of the Pharma industry, but I must say I am forever thankful for Wellbutrin and Celebrex. They gave me my life back. 

I have some things occupying my time this morning. I'll check-in with you all this afternoon. Ciao.


Boud said...

That's an eloquent cat review!

Sandra said...

Why, thank you, Boud!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cats! So glad you have good results with the meds!

Lori Skoog said...

What an upper! So happy you are getting your life back!!! We should be cooling off on Thursday and don't think we are supposed to get weather that is too outrageous tomorrow, Happy garden sorting!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Sandra, for some reason I have been falling behind in blog reading and commenting so now spending time catching up even though comments won’t be left on all posts. It’s obvious you have been rejuvenated with the meds and that is great news to read and see by all your activities. Cats are seldom cooperative subjects and yours was no exception. I just finishing reading about the heat wave in many states, thankfully nit in this part of NH, although several days of rain are forecast starting Thursday.

Sandra said...

Far Side, me too! It's been a game changer. Hopefully your medication gets sorted out.

Sandra said...

Lori, we had another couple of inches yesterday. We are drenched. It feels good to be engaged in my life, even as uneventful as it is.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, you have been really busy, I'm not surprised you haven't had time for blog reading. We've had a lot of rain, which makes a lot of humidity and mosquitos!

Pixie said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better and have your life back. It must feel wonderful.

Bohemian said...

Ahhh, Eli has given me the Cat's version of The Bird many times. Especially when trying to photograph a Cute Pose he won't hold long enuf for me to get it immortalized via the Lens of my Camera... dammit.

Sandra said...

Pixie, it does feel good. I still have pain and mobility problems, but compared to where I was, I'll take it. Going on Wellbutrin in combination with Prozac also changed my life. I still have down days but not in the deep, dark pit anymore.

Sandra said...

Dawn, I have come to terms with the fact that cats own us, we don't own them!

e said...

Miss Frida does her own thing. i'm glad the meds are helping!

Sandra said...

e, you got that right! If Miss Mercy is anything like her, you will be on a ride with her for awhile! Yet, I adore the little brat.

Rita said...

So glad you have meds that work for you. That's awesome!
Cats. Gotta love 'em! :)

Sandra said...

Rita, I'm doing so much better. I had almost 3 bad years I'll never get back, but I can now see a reasonable future.

I have found out that cats are the boss and I'm just along for their comfort.

Anonymous said...

I am glad you have found medications that has benefited you. I would add that it is, in no small measure, due to your tenacity and being an advocate for yourself. You knew something was wrong and you did not accept the findings of medical professionals who dismissed your concerns. I admire that.
Take Care,

Sandra said...

Thank you, Kaye. I appreciate that. I'm grateful I'm finally better, it wasn't looking good fo awhile there.