Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Love of Objects

Several of my blogger friends have been in a winnowing process of objects in their homes. I have been doing this off and on for about a decade. So much has gone out the door it surprises me how little it seems is gone. I think I was a buyer of things back in the day. Later I switched to a buying and breeding of horses. The first habit cost much less. I have objects I'm not ready to let go. China, which is rarely used anymore, crystal stemware, which also is not used much. To that point, I decided to take these Lennox crystal brandy snifters out of the China cabinet and put them in a glass fronted cabinet I have in the kitchen with the more used crystal glassware, ie, Mark's bourbon glasses. I am using them as water glasses. I used to be an appreciator of cognac. I used these for that. I haven't had any cognac since we moved from St. Paul. I think the lifestyle change was the reason for that. I also have red and white wine glasses of this crystal. I just cannot let go. Besides, I think items such as these are obsolete. The younger generations see no point and I guess I can see their point. All things are orderly, so it won't be a huge burden for the son to handle when I'm toes up.


I made shrimp and rice with cajun seasoning. I used a recipe for the seasoning. Spicy! Brown basmati rice wasn't the best choice, I think something with a softer texture would be better.

Big news! I got the remainder of herbs and vegetables planted yesterday. Better very late than never. It was a beautiful day, something that is now in short supply here. Summer has become so humid. I'm a northerner, forget about where the grandparents hailed from. I am an honorary Scandinavian. More rain is in the forecast later today and into tomorrow. I may have overdone the rain dance.

I'll leave you with that. Have a fine day.


Boud said...

I find that a lot of younger people just don't have a life that needs glasses and table linens, candles, all that. Unless there's a sudden fad for Boomercore! That could help.

Sandra said...

I agree. It has mostly ended with the boomer generation. I had a lovely young woman who trained horses here for 3 years. She would be in her 40s now. She was also raised with formality at holidays and dinner occasions and she found that the normal way as well. I'm sure she hasn't changed, but she is an anomaly. My son, I think probably his wife, has a table set with her grandmother's china and crystal, but they are 50, so they are probably on the edge of when things changed. I gave the DIL my mother's Waterford wine glasses after the mother died. I personally like pretty things. 😉

Anvilcloud said...

I think you're right about china and crystal and the like. It doesn't have the status that it used to.

Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around. One day all these outdated objects e.g.china, silverware, fine glassware etc. will be in vogue again. Some famous person or trendy internet person will post something and boom everyone will want fancy things again. They will all go to the second hand and consignment stores and find lovely things, or not. I wish someone would take all my relatives lovely things. I was able to give a set of my Mom's china to a nephew and his wife several years ago. What a relief.
Sorry, for this long comment. All my relatives stuff drives me crazy.
Take Care,

Lori Skoog said...

Smart move, using them for water glasses....I always loved that shape. I would appreciate it if you would send us some of your rain. It keeps passing us by. The heat advisories ended tonight but we will still be in the high 80s for days. I am willing to part with most everything, but have trouble getting my butt in gear. Hopefully our kids and grandkids will want some of our stuff. I have no trouble not purchasing more. Glad you got your plants in the ground.

nick said...

We're the same re glass hoarding. We have all sorts of wine and champagne and water glasses, most of which we never use but for some obscure reason we can't bear to dispose of them. We don't even drink much wine at the moment.

Pixie said...

People don't want expensive crystal anymore. I bought beautiful crystal wine glasses at a thrift store for $.75 a piece. I needed wine glasses and they're cheaper than the dollar store, plus recycled.

Sandra said...

Kaye, never apologize for a comment, long or short, they are appreciated. I have my mother's china still packed in the box in the corner of my office. You may be right about the coming back in vogue, I didn't think about it that way.

Sandra said...

AC, yes, they live a different way and that's ok. except I'd hate to see all these things in a landfill. But I won't know about it, so. oh well.

Sandra said...

Lori, I may as well use them. It works out well. Lori, the weather won't listen to me, no matter if I use my mom voice or not. I am not willing to part with my things, I will part with clothing. I don't buy things anymore, either. The horses eat all of the money anyway, so maybe they are doing me a favor!

Sandra said...

A kindred spirit, nick! I simply cannot do it.

Sandra said...

WOW! You got much better quality for pennies, Pixie. I like the heft of cut crystal.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I have a set of beautiful champagne glasses...used a time maybe two. I do like a glass of bubbly but have not had any in a long time...New Years I think:) Someone did a long rain dance up here too...but ours is a cool rain not humid yet. Stay cool! Good to hear you got your veggies planted.

Sandra said...

Far Side, Beautiful glassware makes me feel good! I drink a lot of San Pellegrino and use champaign flutes sometimes for that. We have another full day of rain today. We are soaked. I hope the weather stays warm well into October so my plants can produce!

Miss Merry said...

I have my grandmother's wedding china and crystal, my mother's wedding china and my wedding china. Drives my adult children nuts. But I like to eat on them occasionally. I told them it is there problem to deal with when I am gone. Meanwhile I have been sorting boxes of other STUFF and getting rid of it and have seen no difference what is bursting at the seams.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, we are alike! No matter how much goes out the door it always looks the same. I'm thinking of using the first set of china I bought, in 1973, as my everyday dishes. It's white with silver scroll work around the edge. What else am I using it for? Nothing. The stuff will give the kids something to talk about.

Val Ewing said...

I like pretty glasses too. I like a variety of weird glasses also. I have nothing quite as beautiful as yours, but I do have some fun colored glasses and odd ones.

I think some of these things may just come in vogue again. One never knows.