Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Up and Running

I survived the great computer upload of yesterday. I had a few bumps along the way, but by 11:30 pm it was all done. The old computer still works but updates hadn't been available for sometime, which didn't bother me, but online sites started refusing Safari access and I was getting notices that I needed to update Chrome, which I could not do. So I bit the proverbial bullet and got a new doodad. I haven't ventured into all the new features yet. 

This is Gatto front and center day. He does love him some bag! The dining room table gets use as a cat platform. They can admire themselves at will in the mirrored glass. I keep telling myself I should use it a couple of times a week, but I guess I don't listen to myself well. Most of the furniture is under slipcovers because of a certain orange beast who loves to shred upholstery. I often tell him no good deed goes unpunished. For those who don't know or remember, Gatto was a stray who hung out here. Late December 2022, on a very subzero night, he begged to come into the house. I let him in. And in he stayed. The little shredding/ shedding machine.

It's finally a nice day and several more to come. It's about time, weather! The next few days will be busy outside days. This will be a welcome thing.

Enjoy the day, fine folks.


Ami said...

I worried about furniture shredding when my daughter and her husband brought Pixel with them. But in the three years they lived here, we caught her scratching furniture one time. My daughter told her NO and moved her away from the chair and she never bothered it again. Weird.

Our weather is much cooler today. Overcast. I like it that way. Unless it pours rain on me, I'm good.

I replaced my laptop this year. I always hate having to do it because I'm a creature of habit, but I love how fast it is and I'm particularly excited because I was able to install a really old game from a plug-in optical drive.

Ever play Rat Poker?

Boud said...

I'm glad the new computer is up and running, with not too much agita.
My laptop is at the age where you can't even update it. So I gave away my printer and scanner to my son, who obliges on the rare occasions I need ite. And my online life is now tablet and phone. It's working fine up to now.

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Getting your new computer up and running. I am afraid to take on such tasks, afraid I would screw up.

I adore the photos of Gatto on the table. What a lovely orange cat he is and a very good judge of people.


Sandra said...

Ami, never heard of Rat Poker.

The other cats leave the furniture alone. Gatto is unrelenting, so slipcovers. Today is more like a June day from the past. We don't have many of those anymore.

Sandra said...

Boud, my computer wouldn't update either. I'm still learning how to navigate this one, some changes from the old computer.

Sandra said...

Kaye, I got a new phone last month and now a computer. I think I've had enough tech for awhile!

Gatto is a looker alright!

Rita said...

Glad you are up and running again--whoohoo!!
Gatto looks like he was meant to be yours. ;)
Enjoy every day with lack of rain, eh? :)

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Getting a new tech device is always both exciting and sometimes frustrating, Sandra. Glad to read that your new one is up and running and hope you get all the programs you want uploaded. I bought a new one also this year and still do not know all the bells and whistles, but then I have lots of time.

Anvilcloud said...

Aww, you have given him the good life.

Lori Skoog said...

I love my iMac but wish I knew more about what it is capable of doing. Did you get a desktop? Enjoy the weather....we got a little rain today and the temperature dropped by this evening.

Val Ewing said...

Happy that your new computer is up and running. Hopefully you will enjoy it a lot!

Yes, the weather finally gave us a break! I spent the whole day doing out door work yesterday. Hopefully, I can enjoy much of this day..Thursday.

Sandra said...

Rita, no rain fro a few days is appreciated. Gatto knew we belonged to him! Computer is still running. :)

Sandra said...

AC, he thinks so! All of the cats were strays or born to a stray mama in the barn. There's so many stray cats.

Sandra said...

Lori, I did get a desktop. I like it better than a laptop. I tend to hunch over a laptop. The computer I've had over the many years is a iMac and I had a MacBook. I don't know the other systems. Mark has a dell and I've used it a couple of times. I like mine better!

Sandra said...

Val, I used to use the computer for things involving my business, which a Mac was good for, the creative stuff. Now I pay some bills and read blogs!

I worked outside yesterday afternoon. Planted annuals in pots and I cut a huge patch of catnip out of the rambling rose bush. I didn't think anything could overtake that rose, but the catnip won.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, you went to spam. Everything moved from one to the other.I've yet to go through the tutorial I will soon. I found I can merge identical photos, that's new from my 2010 model.

e said...

I'm glad things went well. Gatto looks content. Have a good day outside.

Miss Merry said...

Glad your new download went well. It is nerve-wracking to get a new computer and figure out the changes.

nick said...

We don't have a cat, we just watch other people's. The cats in our neighbourhood must have nine lives because they amble across roads with no concern about oncoming traffic and drivers screeching to a halt. I'm surprised they're all still alive.

Sandra said...

e, Gatto does enjoy his life!

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, everything is still working! I cannot respond on your blog, not even anonymously.

Sandra said...

nick, I have 6 cats! I'm afraid in the community where I live very few would try to avoid hitting a cat.