Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, July 22, 2024

The Time Is Now

I'm with her.

Let's do this!


Boud said...

On it! Harris for President

Sandra said...

I feel reinvigorated, Boud.

Anonymous said...

As am I!

Sandra said...

Kaye, there is hope!!

nick said...

I'm following the process of appointing a new Democratic candidate with great interest. A black woman president would be quite something.

DB Stewart said...

I live in Canada, and even for us, this is such good news.

Anvilcloud said...

She spent some time in Canada in her high school years iirc. So she's gotta be ok.

Misadventures of Widowhood said...

I feel so much lighter the way Biden passed the torch. We still have some hills to climb but we can do this!!!

Miss Merry said...


Rita said...

Relief is an understatement.
I'm with her, too...and you. ;)

Val Ewing said...

I was so encouraged by what she had to say yesterday that I felt so much better!
She is a bright light compared to the slurring, nasty, bumbling, dark, racist, hateful speech from the other side.

Sandra said...

nick, it sure would be. Fingers crossed.

Sandra said...

DB Steward, unfortunately what happens here impacts everywhere.We cannot lose this.

Sandra said...

AC, that's good to know!

Sandra said...

Misadventures, me too! I felt so much lighter. We can, we must do this.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, Right!!!!

Sandra said...

Rita, we can do this!

Sandra said...

Val, you just put it in a nutshell.

Lori Skoog said...

Big yes! I totally agree and am beyond happy with the response. How much lower can the comments from the opposition get???

Sandra said...

Lori, I think we have learned that just when we think they cannot possibly sink any lower, there they go, a new depth of depravity. They will say what they want, I am feeling positive.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am not so sure she can bring in the votes. She made the Border one of her projects...and kinda dropped that ball.

Sandra said...

Far Side, everyone has dropped that ball. For years. I think she can motivate the young woman voter as well as some young men, who tend to see no change in choice. She will also coalise the female black vote which is the Democrats bedrock vote. She has been vocal and unflinching on reproductive rights. We won't know until the day after, but my hope has surged. It was in the pit before.