Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, August 26, 2023

A Cooler Day

We have finally caught a break in the oppressive heat and humidity department. So I made soup.

Mark needs to go to town today. He will pick up a rotisserie chicken, no cooking for me tonight. 

Otherwise, it's quiet, as usual. I'm listening to Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison. I'm surprised I hadn't read this book until now. The library app is one of the better things to have happened to me. It shows me I have read or listened to one hundred books in the past year. I guess I use it. Do any of you know the NextDoor app? I have it for the surrounding area. They can be a mean and petty group of people, with some decent people mixed in. My life has become very isolated in the past couple of years. I was thinking of putting an idea for a book club on the app, something I would gladly host, maybe once a month. In the past I tried to get involved in groups here, but it was near impossible. People are polite but not inviting if you aren't part of the clique. Eventually I gave up. I thought perhaps this may be a way of meeting people outside of the garden club, the arts group, etc. I am not in need of much social interaction, but I am growing weary of my own company. Even the cats have begun to find me boring.

Speaking of boring...I guess I'll go make some pickles. Be still, my racing heart.


Boud said...

The book group is worth a try, I'd go for it.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I like my virtual book club, it is all Military wives. That works for me...I am probably the oldest and the most regular...cause you know we are isolated mostly by choice. I like having it virtual that way I don't have to leave home. I did find a stitch and chat to go to next winter...we will see:)

Sandra said...

Boud, I am pondering the idea.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I don't need much, but I do want some personal interaction. I haven't any family, other than my overly busy son. My best friend died 5 years ago and the community I live in is closed. So, I probably will give it a try and see if there are any takers. You might like the stitch and chat.

e said...

I helped start a book club for bloggers years ago but they all prefer the "real" time of Facebook rather than blogger and most of them have quit blogging.

37paddington said...

That soup looks yummy. The book club sounds like a wonderful idea, a way to meet like minded souls. I remember when I was feeling very isolated a few years back, right after I had been laid off from my day job and was trying to find my way, I joined a choir. They met once a week, but it was a lifesaver. It got me out of the house for that one evening each week, and made the other days feel less lonely.

Sandra said...

e, I was one of those people who left blogger for FB. I didn't like it but most everyone I knew left for FB. I am not on there anymore, it's always been a hot mess, imo. I am thinking about it before I act, but it seems like an ok idea.

Sandra said...

37paddinton, too much isolation isn't good. Until I shut done my horse business I had people around all of the time. Rural MN is not an open, welcoming place. I have lived here 30 years and I'm still the lady from the city with the fancy horses. It's also heavy duty Trumpland. I am thinking it may be worth putting myself out there for. I might actually get some interest. Book club/social club. I can't sing! And the soup is good, another bowl will be had for lunch today.

Val Ewing said...

I think this is a great idea. Humans need social interaction and as you said, being rural is tough. It took us 30 years to earn the Ewing place status instead of the Ol' Withers Place.
I married a local so I was accepted easier.

Sandra said...

Val, I had no idea there was so much tribalism in these communities. We live in the Wendt place!