Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Grey and Wet

Good Morning!

Another day of rain, it looks like. We have had several days in a row of rain. Yesterday it poured from the sky. It's trying to compensate for the two years of drought. 

I've been puttering around the house. Even undisciplined puttering is getting some things done. I assembled a shoe rack I bought over a year ago yesterday. When I got it and opened the box, I abruptly closed it. So many pieces. Yesterday was the day to get it done. I won't say how long it took me to finish (hours) but it's done. Now onto some closet clearing. 

I've been thinking about and doing a little online searching for some type of groups I could get involved with. Between Covid isolation and three years of very limited mobility, well, I have become a recluse. I need some type of engagement. There is a problem: where I live. There isn't much available. I tried this about a dozen years ago and it fell flat. With the drastic polarization in the country it becomes even more difficult. I live in a very Trump Republican county. There really isn't anyway to avoid Trump talk at the moment. I suppose I could expand my search to online groups outside of this area, but I really would prefer in-person. In the mean time, I guess I'll putter.


Boud said...

Try joining spoutible? It's a great inclusive platform. There are also online pods, where you can talk with congenial people. It's not in person, but it's still good interaction. Audio only, no need to set your camera, comb your hair, etc!

I'm a founding member, really appreciate the owner, Christopher Bouzy, a decent guy.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Boud. I haven't heard of it. I'll look it up. You sure have been a doer in your life!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I know there are book clubs that just meet online, but check with your local library! There may be some in person:)

Sandra said...

Far Side, I have looked into the book clubs. They are either not accepting new members or they have disbanded. There are a couple for children, but even though I pout well, I don't think they'd let me in! I did join spoutible, now OI need to take the time to figure it out.

Anonymous said...

You are brave, good for you. I tried joining some club type activities. I always felt I did not fit in. I was always so happy and relieved to come home. It became harder after retiring to meet people. I consider myself an introvert. You will know what feels right for you and I think you will go for it.
Take Care,

Boud said...

Let me know your spoutible screen name and I'll greet you!

Rita said...

Congrats on getting the shoe rack together.
Been raining here quite a bit, too. Things haven't looked this green for a couple of years.
Good luck finding a group of likeminded people. If you need a group in the flesh so to speak, I am sure you can find them somehow somewhere. I am glad I have been happy with online and letter friends as I've been housebound since 2005. If you'd like to do paper chats just let me know. I think we may be likeminded in a few areas, for sure. ;)

Anvilcloud said...

You have an additional problem after the geographical one. Groups should probably outlaw political talk.

Val Ewing said...

I live in a pretty mixed area politically. However, our area is known as more progressive and hippy-ish.

I get it. My husband is such a recluse, he doesn't leave the farm except for doctor appts.

I like it that you are getting back into engagement with the world. I just don't have any good advice.

Sandra said...

Kaye, I know the square peg in a round hole feeling. It didn't work for me the time I tried. It is very hard to meet people as we age. I don't think it's healthy for me to be so isolated, it is too comfortable a fit.

Sandra said...

Boud, it's SandraJean. I need to spend some time getting to know the site.

Sandra said...

It's so lush out there, Rita. I would love to have paper or any other chats with you. Send me an email.

Sandra said...

AC, it is a real problem. There seems to be a need to shove it in your face. No thanks.

Sandra said...

Val, that's ok. Your understanding is enough.

e said...

I too live in Trumpville but unlike you I would prefer a deserted island but that makes no sense given my circumstances. Good luck in your search.

Sandra said...

e, I am as sorry for you as I am for me. It's kind of a miserable place to be. I kind of am on a deserted island.