Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, May 31, 2024

A Good Day

I must start with the conviction. I fervently hope the jurors names are never, ever leaked. That said, it was a day when we saw justice served.

I picked most of the flowers that were on the ground in one garden. Pretty flowers everywhere. The season is too short. I need to get to the nursery to buy my few vegetable plants and herbs. I plan to sow flower seeds this afternoon. We had rain last night, it's wet out there. Jim did come over yesterday to mow the lawn. What an improvement. Mark got another flower bed weeded. He has a follow-up appointment this afternoon, so no weeding today.

Yesterday we saw a glimmer of hope for our country.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Trump is on all the news stations everday, many times a day...the News may just get him elected!

Boud said...

It was a wonderful moment. I heart New York! Also brilliant DA Alvin Bragg.

Sandra said...

Sadly Far Side, I agree with you.

Sandra said...

Boud, yes it was. I couldn't imagine any other verdict but the way things are it was a real bright spot in the day.

Lori Skoog said...

Yay! You must be very happy to have the lawn done. Your flowers are gorgeous and I love the smell. Yesterday was pretty amazing....and all the excuses from the opposition! DT has been pushing buttons forever and now his favorite tv network says the Supreme Court will get him off. I will never understand why his supporters excuse him....no matter what he does.

Sandra said...

Lori, I amorally happy about the mowing.

He who shall remain unnamed raised $38 million from the conviction until this morning. Surprise surprise.

Sandra said...

I am really happy, I hope not amorally!

Rita said...

Made my day! Whoohoo!
Your beautiful flowers look absolutely celebratory. ;)

Sandra said...

Rita, they must have known he would be convicted!

nick said...

So having a criminal conviction doesn't stop you being president. That's crazy!
I do loads of weeding but I can't keep up with them. I think the weeds are gaining the upper hand.

Sandra said...

nick, many of us are reeling at that. In many states convicted felons may not vote while in prison or after release. Many jobs don't allow hiring of felons. Yet, a convicted president can run for and hold office. We are kind of a mess over here.

We are having the same problem with weeds. They are winning.

Miss Merry said...

It was a good day. Whatever happens next, it was a good day.

Pixie said...

Your peonies are so beautiful. Mine won't be flowers for awhile yet.

As for trump, sigh, I'm so glad he was convicted but what happens remains to be seen.

Anvilcloud said...

The MAGAts are going pretty crazy since the verdict.

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, yes it was.

Val Ewing said...

I was pretty stunned at the MAGA support afterwards...

However, nuff said.

I'm sure it was nice to have the yard done! I was out doing ours yesterday!

Sandra said...

Pixie, I know. It's frightening.

Sandra said...

AC, I cannot believe how easy it is for them to live in another universe. That guy, they pick that guy as their hero.

Sandra said...

Val, he raise a lot of money off that verdict. We've had so much rain it's probably long again!