Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

It's Soaking Wet

Mr. McCool spent a rainy evening on my hassock. He usually spends the night in the house.

We've had a lot of rain. A lot. As you can see with the afghan, it's also been cool. Not McCool, but chilly. And let's not forget the mosquitos. It's mosquito heaven. Did you know the mosquito is the Minnesota state bird? People mistakingly think it's the loon, but it is the mosquito.

I'm doing laundry today instead of yesterday. I decided to treat Monday as a holiday. I "plan" to sort through my closet and drawers to eliminate what I don't have use for. The clothing that is too large for me is going into sealed plastic bags for storage. I'm realistic enough to know I may need them again in the future. Not being a  fatalist but simply practical. If my son finds them still packed away after I go toes up, yippee for me.

After bringing up weight gain/loss....I made a brisket yesterday that was, no brag, fantastic. So tender. Today will be a brisket sandwich with horseradish sauce and fried onions on the lunch menu. One half of a ciabatta roll for me. 


Boud said...

I used to work in a place where there were two topics of conversation: weight gain and food! They discouraged me from pointing out they were pretty much the same thing.

I thought NJ mosquitoes were the leading contenders?

Sandra said...

It's very often the topic of conversation when women gather.

Minnesota is filled with water, including lots of ponds and swampland. We get swamped with those nasty biters.

nick said...

Glad we don't get mosquitos here in NI. I got ferociously bitten once in Florence, and arrived at our Rome hotel with my face festooned with bites.

Sandra said...

Nick, having experience that in Florence makes it all the more appreciated by you in NI.

Anvilcloud said...

If Minnesota mosquitoes are anything like those that I experienced in Saskatchewan I pity you.

Sandra said...

When I was in Saskatchewan there really weren't any, but if anyone came here last year it would have been the same. Two years of drought will do that. I hope for their sake they aren't quite as bad.

Lori Skoog said...

I can't stand the mosquitos, nor can the horses. We have had rain off and on, but not quite as much as you. Funny, I just told a friend I could get rid of about 75% of my clothing that I never wear. Just need to get the lead out and do it. I'm in barn clothes all day unless I am going somewhere special. I would love to have you send me a brisket sandwich with horseradish sauce and fried onions on a ciabatta roll (my favorite). Hope you enjoyed your Mon. day off.

Val Ewing said...

Being born in MN, I know what the skeeters are like. I spent my summers just across the border and at night my cousins and I would listen to the hoards of skeeters coming up out of the swamp and run to the house.

My Uncle would quip that he'd just observed a skeeter fly off with one of the horses.

We have them here in our area, but not so bad as we are hilly and most of the water is always moving.


Stay warm and enjoy. Your meals are enticing.

Pixie said...

I think Edmonton has the large mosquitos. It's been too cold for them yet but it won't be long and they'll be out in full force. Fortunately I don't get bitten much, must not like my smell or blood.

I bought my hubby a brisket to smoke, we'll see how that works out for him. He has a new smoker. The other day he smoked bacon and I must say it was the best bacon I've ever had.

Sandra said...

Lori, they are making it impossible to do anything outside. Mark tried to pull weeds and was swarmed by a hoard.

I have lots of clothes I like and am now fitting into, but where do I go to wear them? I have spent 30 years of my life in barn clothes and boots.

If the sandwich would transport well, I'd gladly send you both one!

Sandra said...

Love it, fly off with one of the horses!!!

You know all the lakes and rivers in MN but there are also ponds and swamps. Here we have several lakes, a river and many ponds and swamps. That's what gets us. :(

Sandra said...

Pixie, you are so lucky they don't like you. They adore me.

I have a smoker and haven't used it for a long time. Don't ask me why, I couldn't say. I should use it for the other brisket I have.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

I sort of agree with Boud’s comment about mosquitoes in NJ as it is my home state too. Did you know that the black fly is the state bird of Maine, not the chickadee as popularly believed.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I would keep clothing I really love and donate the rest.I like comfy stuff and have about two outfits that are for funerals...seems like that is the only place we go where you should wear something half way decent!
Oh the skeeters are out here too, not real bad yet, the Dragonflies will be here soon:)

e said...

I hope you enjoyed that sandwich!

Sandra said...

Dorothy, visit MN. 😄

Maine can have their state bird, those things are fierce!

Sandra said...

We sure did, e.

Sandra said...

The problem is, far Side, I really like it all! I do have nowhere to wear most of it, though.