Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

On the Road Again

Aren't they cute?

Yesterday was busy. We were gone all morning and into late afternoon for a medical procedure for Mark. This was the day I wrote about dreading, as I hadn't driven for three years and had to be on a very busy interstate. Those who said it would come right back were correct. I had only one short practice drive beforehand and yet I had no problems. Coming home was a busy, busy drive, but I was fine. This afternoon we have a follow up appointment at the same place. It's about an hour from home. The Twin Cities is a sprawling metropolitan area, so depending on where you are going it can be a long drive. Tomorrow I wait for Culligan Man. Our reverse osmosis system isn't flowing well. After that is done I need to get to the mowing. The place looks abandoned.




Lori Skoog said...

Like getting back on a horse. Good for you. By the way, we did not quite hit 80 degrees yesterday, but your weather did arrive. Hope all is well with Mark.

Sandra said...

Lori, Mark is good. This was just some repair work, not cancer issues. I knew our weather would get to your place. I think getting on a horse would be disastrous for me!

Boud said...

I'm glad the driving worked out. Friends in your area seem to do a lot of busy highway driving. I have been able to avoid it for years!

Anonymous said...

What a great day you had! Driving on the interstate, well done! Husband okay, great! After returning home you mow the yard! I would say you are approaching Wonder Woman status. I have to add driving in the city...that is a feat, all those people and cars. Driving in Salt Lake City is nerve racking to me and the Twin cities are much larger so I bow to you..
Take Care,

Rita said...

Yes, getting around in the Twin Cities can be one long and convoluted trip. Especially during the current season...construction and road repair.
I'm so glad driving came back quickly. Whoohoo!
Have a really good day. :)

Sandra said...

Boud, yes the metro area between the two cities is huge. Lots of hwy, freeway and interstate driving. I don't have to do it often, thankfully.

Sandra said...

Kaye funny you should mention Wonder Woman. Years ago we took Zing to a trainer once /week for lessons. One week Zing broke his halter while in the trailer. I got the divider and pushed back as he pushed forward and I managed to keep him in the trailer. I told my trainer together in there and secure him. She looked at me like I was nuts. I said, GET IN THERE. She did. On the way home she asked me how I could do that, wasn't I crazy. I said no, I'm Wonder Woman. I then explained you do not take traveling with a stallion lightly. Everything you can do to keep things safe, you do. She never questioned me again. She thought me slightly nuts and kind of strong! Sometimes it's good for me to remember I had been Wonder Woman 😄

Sandra said...

Rita, it can be. You are from St. Paul, right? You know. We have two seasons, construction season and construction season!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hate the traffic around the Cities...we went there so much when my husband was on the Lung Transplant list, during Covid the traffic was not bad but after that wowza, I am glad I don't have to drive in it everyday. My husband does not drive in heavy traffic. You did it so Congratulations!! Hope Mark is doing okay.

Miss Merry said...

So happy your trip went well. I know you were concerned. Hope everything went well at the doctors.

Anvilcloud said...

I'm impressed. I guess it can be done although I wouldn't like to.

Val Ewing said...

You are braver than I am! I once drove into the cities with my dad as a guide. I was flabbergasted and would have been lost several times.
That was way before GPS in cars.

Kudos to you.

It has been years since I've gone into a city.

nick said...

At the moment I only drive short distances to the supermarket or the shoe-repairer or the recycling centre. I'd be very nervous about driving longer distances, especially over roads I wasn't familiar with. But hey, like you I'd probably be fine when it actually happened.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I think the difference is and why I adapted so quickly is because I have lived my entire life in a large metro area or just outside of it. I have, until the last 3 years, continued to drive in heavy traffic. I wouldn't, want to do it if that were not the case!

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, everything was fine It wasn't a major procedure and he is up and at it. The drive was not a problem.

Sandra said...

AC, I found I was not nervous. I am surprised by that, but also relieved. Now I need to stop relying on my chauffeur.

Sandra said...

Val, I understand how you feel. I went back and forth to St. Paul often when my mother was alive and then almost daily in 2020 after she died. I had to take the worst section of interstate in the TCs, which I think made picking it up again easier.

Sandra said...

nick, yes, I think you would. We do what we must. I'm familiar with the roads, which helped.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I drive most of the time.

e said...

They are very cute! Good luck with the follow up and happy driving.

Sandra said...

That's good, Dora. It helps keep your independence.

Sandra said...

e, they are, they are also naughty!

All was well. Now I need to get myself behind the wheel more often.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Glad too read that all went well with the driving in traffic, Sandra, and also hope all is well with Mark. I too am not a fan of driving on busy highways either in traffic or not. Give me backroads any day!