Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Blooming Season

We are in bloom.
We have a power line that comes onto the property and the electrical box is on it. Not the prettiest of pretty, but morning glories grow up along baling twine I hang on the box. I planted a morning glory about a dozen years ago and it has never failed to re-seed itself year-after-year.

The ferns are in fern heaven from all the rain. There are quite a few hostas in the fern forest I will need to move to a new home.

I brought this iris with me from our home in Saint Paul. They were there when we bought the house, so the generations carry on.

I split peonies maybe six years ago, transplanting the spits here. I also moved some iris to this bed. I will be needing to split again in the Fall.

In the first years we lived here I planted several different shrubs in this place. Everything I planted died, so I went into the tree line and dug up honeysuckle. Now, I knew they grow large, but I frankly didn't expect them to live. They did. Until the past few years I only needed to trim them in spring and autumn. I trimmed them back in April level to the bottom of the windows. No good deed goes unpunished.

I will be picking peonies today. The rain beat them down.

The Russian sage is sprouting like crazy, as per usual.

The mosquito invasion is messing with our plans. We will need to cover every inch of bare skin and endure it. Bill said we should hire his brother to mow the lawn. He has a large, I think the are called zero turn, mower. We will see what his brother says. Bill often volunteers someone else before consulting with them. He fixed one of the problems on the mower, but there is something else wrong that he hasn't yet been able to  diagnose. He did mention that maybe his brother would sell his old mower to us. Which tells me he isn't sure the mower is fixable.

I did do some sorting of my clothes and so far have one bag to donate. Yesterday I went through and organized jewelry. Yes, you read that right. My mother was a jewelry addict. My father was a bit of a bon vivant, where clothing was concerned. There is a very large collection of cufflinks and tie pins. I brought it home and left it sit. I went through it yesterday. My son can deal with what to do with it when I've departed this earth. I will confess that I have a fair share of my own, from the days I actually had a job outside of a barn and I went out and also often had parties at my home. Talk about a 180 (thanks, Boud) turn in life! Maybe I will wear it around the house. I have pearls I could clutch.


Boud said...

I think that's a 180 turn? 360 would be back where you started. Unless that's what you're saying and I'm misreading. It's been known.
Happily our nice weather usually precedes mosquitoes by a few days, I'm definitely enjoying it.

Sandra said...

Boud, you got me! I did mean completely different, but I think it is also going back somewhat to where I started. I'm redeveloping an interest in things I set aside decades ago. I 5think I will change it to 180, though. You are one sharp cookie!

Boud said...

And you're one nice one, to take it in the spirit I meant and not flounce away! Mwah!

Anvilcloud said...

Recently, a fellow blogger mentioned planting morning glory seeds for this year. It confused me because they always seemed to reseed for me. They were pretty obstinate that way.

Rita said...

I especially love the morning glories and ferns, but they are all beautiful. Except for the mosquitoes, of course. I remind myself that everything has a purpose...but I have a hard time finding a positive purpose for mosquitoes--lol! ;)

Sandra said...

Boud, never be upset when you are wrong. I'd rather know and correct than not know and leave something incorrect out there. Taking offense over small things is over rated.

Sandra said...

AC, they will take over the entire flower bed if left to their own devises!

Sandra said...

Every flower that blooms is my next favorite, but since I have a lot of peonies and iris I do believe they are at the top. Roses, too. Mine have died off and I don't have the energy for so much garden any more. I can give you one thing I know mosquitoes are good for, much as I despise the. Swallows eat them by the million! Maybe an exaggeration but not by much! We have lots of barn swallows.

Barwitzki said...

How lucky am I, we have almost no mosquitoes here...
Your garden looks wonderful, a wonderful sea of ​​flowers.
I always let a lot of things grow by themselves in the garden. My husband does the lawn... with a lawn mower, it's not his most enjoyable job.
A warm greeting goes to you.
p.s. we also have barn swallows and bats

Anonymous said...

Your yard is beautiful All the flowers are breathtaking. Bushes and ferns are lovely, too.
You could put eyes on the power box. The meter could be the nose..sort of like the door knob in Alice in Wonderland.
I have jewelry boxes from my dear Aunts. Plus, my Mother's jewelry. Some very good, some not so good and some fun.
I hope your horse is doing better.

Take Care,

Lori Skoog said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers! You are loaded! Do hire his brother to mow the lawn....take a break. Are you having a problem with one of the horses? I did not realize that and hope you are able to participate in helping. Man. that honeysuckle grows like a hedge!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Beautiful plants in your yard! Yes clutch the pearls while baking bread! :)

Val Ewing said...

I do like pearls! I don't have real ones, but I've got some great fake ones. Sometimes my teddy bears wear them.

Anyway. Beautiful yard! Wow!
Yes hire it done. I used our zero turn yesterday as the other half wasn't up to getting on his mower. It was kind of fun except when the wind blew all the chaff back in my face.

Your flowers! I'm jealous! So gorgeous!

Sandra said...

You are lucky to have very few mosquitos. They are awful. My gardens have been mostly neglected for a few years but there was nothing to do about that. I do the lawn mowing with a lawn tractor. Mark does the push mower in the areas I can't get to.

I know we had bats but I don't see them anymore. The swallows are profuse.

Sandra said...

Lori, I have 15-20 peonies bushes. There will be more after I split them, again. I'll see if my son wants some. Lots of iris and daylily. And that beautiful invasive....phlox.

Jim did come yesterday afternoon to mow. Good thing, it rained last night.

Isabella was sore in her left hindquarter. She had bute and stall rest and is now good to go.

Sandra said...

Kaye, that's a good idea! I'm going to think about that.

I think I will start wearing the jewelry, why not? I may as well polish the image of eccentric old lady, or as I have been known to be called....the Diva!

Isabella if all good now. A few days of stall rest did the job.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Far Side. If you have pearls, why not clutch them, especially whilst making bread!!

Sandra said...

Val, I don't have natural pearls, the kind oysters make on their own, I have cultured pearls which are made on oyster "farms". I has a strand of black pearls I was so happy to get decades ago.

I did get the lawn mowed. I would like a zero turn mower but I do not like the cost. So I won't get one!