Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, May 24, 2024

Just...You Know. Stuff.

It's been raining all night and into this morning. Mark was going to weed gardens and I was going to mow. That isn't going to happen. I made bread dough yesterday for baking today and it's a right proper day for that. 

Mark just now brought me another cup of coffee. He wants me properly caffeinated and pleasant. Such a good guy. He wants to put the equines out but I say leave them in. They are all old, the landscape here is rolling and the soil is greasy black clay. We just had a mare on stall rest for over a week because she pulled something in her hindquarter. 800-1000 pound invalids are a whole different story. He'll leave them in and then moan about it all day. We both know the drill.

Monday is Memorial Day in the US. It will be quiet for us. I plan to cook a brisket. I have two in the freezer, I guess I should use one. Perhaps I'll even make a clafoutis. No promises, I don't want to get carried away with myself.

Have a GREYT Friday everyone.


Boud said...

Yes, don't fancy dealing with large animals skidding on clay mud. Don't get carried away with the cooking plans..

Sandra said...

Boud, I did agree he should put them out. He used the logic that it will still be wet tomorrow and they will be jazzed up from being in, so more of a chance of injury. I hate it when he's right! I will take your advice and pace myself. :)

Anvilcloud said...

You seem to do well in the kitchen. As for us, we have a can opener.

Sandra said...

AC, HA! I have one of those. No kitchen should be without one.😉

Sandi said...


Had to look that up. We call it cobbler. 🙂

Far Side of Fifty said...

Rained all day here. I had a marvelous nap in the afternoon! We will have a quiet weekend also:)

Val Ewing said...

Such a great attitude. We will have a quiet weekend also. Unless we get surprise guests.

An equine with an injury is always tough. I shut off the steep hillside to keep the silly girls from chasing up and down the hill road.

Holidays are usually spent at home for us these days.

Sandra said...

Sandi, a clafoutis is good, whatever it's called!

Sandra said...

Far Side, it stopped about 10am and was really windy. You needed a good nap, pleased you got one. Quiet is sometimes underrated.

Sandra said...

Val, I never get surprise quests. Which is probably good because I don't like surprises.

It is nerve wracking when a horse is injured or sick. I've always thought it's the size. An equine down is no fun. I have dealt with a lot over the years, especially colic, and my old bones and damaged brain don't handle it as well as they used to.