Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, May 26, 2024

Not Title Worthy


For Lori and anyone else who is interested.


I was unable to mow, as the mower wouldn't start. Neighbor Bill will look at it when he has time. Until then, welcome to the jungle. The iris are in full bloom and the peonies are about to pop. I took a quick photo this morning. Anyone want to paint a shed and fence?

So, yesterday I spent in the house pouting because I couldn't mow, instead of going out to do something else. But, I did that very well. 


Boud said...

So annoying when your plans are foiled by machinery.

Sandra said...

Boud, it is. I was in a bummer mood.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hate machinery that doesn't work when I need it! However your Iris are beautiful!

Val Ewing said...

wow...your iris flowers are amazing!
Your shed looks fine as if the wood on it was just a bit antiqued...much like my outhouse looks right now.

It took us a long time to catch up on mowing and we still aren't really caught up. It is just nice to have rain instead of drought...unless you are a farmer who needs to make hay and plant crops.

Hope your mower gets fixed soon.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I was revved and ready, and boom, no starting. The grass is, of course, long. One thing I have a lot of is iris, day lilies and phlox!

Sandra said...

Val, antiqued....love it! I'm happy for the rain, now I need the mower. Farmers, they need the rain to grow the hay, but then curse the rain when it's time to cut. They should be able to schedule the weather.

Sandi said...

Beautiful photo!

Rita said...

The shed and fence have character. ;)
Flowers are beautifully profuse.
If one is going to pout one should put their all into it. ;)

Sandra said...

Thank you, Sandi. Mark is currently weeding the bearded iris. I hope to get things weeded before the flowers are finished.

Sandra said...

Rita, I think I'll remember about the character every time I look at it and know I'm not going to paint! The iris have enjoyed the moisture, they are so much better than last year. I put it all into my pout!

Pixie said...

Those irises are gorgeous!

Miss Merry said...

lovely flowers!!!!

Anvilcloud said...

I've heard of puttering around the house, but you were poutering.

Lori Skoog said...

Beautiful iris! I ended up investing in a new John Deere because I was tired of having to ask Scott to fix my old ones. Now, I am still hoping he can fix one of them so I can use it on the pastures. I have some serious weed whacking to work on now.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Pixie. They were here over 30 years ago when we bought the house.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Miss Merry.

Sandra said...

AC, you are funny! I'm going to remember that.

Sandra said...

Lori, I will use this mower as long as Bill can fix it. I have not been able to keep up. We have had lots of rain, it's raining now.

nick said...

Hope you can get the mower fixed quickly. Your garden may be a jungle but it's a pretty sort of jungle.

Sandra said...

Thanks, nick. It's pouring rain at the moment. Bill found out what's wrong, now for it to be fixed.