Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, May 17, 2024

Cats. Lawn. Raccoon.

She knows she is cute.

Today is the day I finally tackle the jungle formally known as a lawn. Rain has cut off any plans I had of mowing before today. It is going to take a few days, this I know. Too bad I can't fence it and let the horses mow for me. 

The once thin stray orange tabby is still hanging around and isn't thin anymore. He and Rocky the Raccoon have been enjoying the cat food I put on the porch. Rocky stares through the door if the dish is empty. It's a good thing he grew up with cats, he presents no danger to them. I thought he would move on once he was grown, but the cat food buffet has kept him grounded here. 

That's the excitement here. 


Boud said...

The excitement chez you is intense! Drama, food, jungle cutting, and more!

Sandra said...

Boud, I know, be still my beating heart!

Anonymous said...

I know that excited feeling that comes when critters stick around. An
empty dish in the morning means "all is well".
Take Care,

peppylady (Dora) said...

Our racoons here hangs down by the local river.

Rita said...

Yes. She is cute!
I hope you got at least some of the lawn done.
I've been procrastinating about a couple of things for a couple of weeks now--lol! Maybe next week--lol! ;)

Anvilcloud said...

Sounds pretty exciting to me. Keep em coming, I say.

e said...

Good luck with the continued mowing. Cute critters make a home! Happy Friday.

nick said...

Rocky knows when he's onto a good thing!

Val Ewing said...

I just fenced off another section of yard that has to be hand mowed because it is so rough. Hubby gave me a hard time and said I should mow the deep stuff.

It took me an hour to fence it and it is taking the mules 2 days to clear it and fertilize. If they munch it down hard, I won't have to mow that spot for weeks.

I figure it will save me so much time and aggravation.

Wouldn't it be nice to have the critters mow it for you?

Good luck. I get it.

Sandra said...

Kaye, I'm happy to see weight on the orange fellow. Rocky is huge, I guess he does well on a cat food diet!

Sandra said...

Dora, this guy showed up in the barn as a youngster and has simply stayed. He's been here about 2 years.

Sandra said...

There's always next week, Rita! I got about 1/4 of it mowed. Was hot and sunny yesterday and all the mowing is in full sun. I was so hot! It rained hard last evening so I'll see if it dries enough this afternoon to do some more.

Sandra said...

AC, I can keep this level of excitement coming steadily!

Sandra said...

I've only lived without animals in the house when I lived in an apartment, but I still had them at my parents home. Life without wouldn't seem right.

Sandra said...

nick, I'd say you are absolutely correct!

Sandra said...

Val, it sure would. I mentioned it years ago to Mark, who mostly has no opinion on what I do. He emphatically said he didn't like that idea, so.....I mow! Your mules will take care of it.