Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, May 10, 2024


I know, another ta-da photo of a cleaning accomplishment, but this time there is a dual purpose. The first photo is taken with an iPhone and the second with my early 2000s Canon DSL, which I have not used in at least a dozen years. Since I got my first iPhone, whenever that was. I used to know how to use it, now I was lucky to figure out how to turn it on. I have the manual somewhere. I need to look at it. There is no reason not to use the camera.


If I were an actual photographer I would not have let the camera sit for so long, but I'm not, I am basically point and shoot with a nice camera. Or, I was.

It's a beautiful day, I have things to do and here I am, messing around with a camera. Ah, well. Life is short, sometimes we just need to mess around.


The Happy Whisk said...

I'm on lunch break enjoying your photo post. Very cool on breaking out the camera. I betcha Jarid Polin probably has a video on that model. I'm not for sure, he has a lot. Very helpful, I find. FroKnowsPhotos, his page name. Or might be under his real name. Not sure?

Sandra said...

Thanks, Ivy! I will look him up. I have completely forgotten how to use it. I have been amazed at how much use it or lose it really is true.

Ami said...

When I first brought my camera to work, there were at least six children who saw it and said, "WHAT is THAT????"

I am also a point and shoot person, but with a telephoto lens and the ability to edit a little (I only know rudimentary editing) I get some good shots.|

The difference between your phone camera and the real camera is striking.

Sandra said...

Ami, I also have a telephoto lens. One needs that if one is going to be successful at playing the part of photographer! I can believe the kids didn't know what your camera is. Can you imagine showing them a photo of a phone booth? I don't know if it's the camera or the person using it that makes the photo so different

Sandi said...

What a beautiful fireplace!

What is the blue cabinet over to the left with the gold frame?

Boud said...

There's a lot more depth of field in the camera, compared to the everything in bright focus all the time everywhere effect of the iPhone camera. Different purposes. Yes, I think you'll like relearning the camera.

Sandra said...

Sandi, this is an addition that the person we bought from had added. He has spent a lot of time in the Cascades and built something that reminds him of that place. So, yes, it has an enormous fireplace which I call the bat cave.

Do you mean the thing with the brass trim? That's the only thing I can see that may be what you mean. It is a wood pellet stove. The room is hard to heat so we put it in a long time ago. Really warms the place up.

Sandra said...

You are right, Boud. That's the difference I'm seeing. The iPhone is great for catching a moment but since I do have this camera I should use it when I'm purposefully taking photos. I think I will, too. I knew how once.

The Happy Whisk said...

Happy Shooting. I may have spelt his name wrong. Jarid Polin and the if you search his YouTube page with your make and model, there might be a video manual.

Sandra said...

Thanks a lot Ivy. This is really helpful.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Camera are fun to play with.

Rita said...

I think the iPhone photo is a lot better. They have really changed things over the past decade or so, haven't they? Wow! :)

Anvilcloud said...

Phones do a remarkable job, and I have been drawn to them. IMO they are easier and better for quick and random shots. That being said, I am trying not to use the phone, or not very much.

nick said...

Interesting. The second photo looks a lot darker than the first!

Val Ewing said...

What a beautiful room! The modern cell phone photos are easier to take shots like your room than figuring out the exposure for a place with light and dark areas.

I dove into cameras years ago and enjoy the distractions it gives me.

Enjoy your camera. Long lenses also do amazing things if you want to do close ups of things like flowers!

Just go with the flow and enjoy experimenting.

Barwitzki said...

Wonderful sharpness and depth in your photos... I hope you have fun with your camera...
I look forward to your next photos.

Sandra said...

Peppy, they are. I'm going to try.

Sandra said...

Rita, yes they have. They are so simple to use and convenient to boot!

Sandra said...

AC, I haven't used my camera since I got the first iPhone, which was a 4. I've completely forgotten how to use it. It's not a point and shoot. You are a photographer, you can make anything look good!

Sandra said...

nick, yes. It's because I don't know how to use the settings anymore. The actual room is somewhere between the first and second photo in color.

Sandra said...

Val, you take some fantastic photos. I delved into phone cameras! I will spend some time trying to relearn.

Sandra said...

Thanks, Barwitzki, I like taking photos and putting them here, so you will see more!

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

As others have already commented, Sandra, this room is wonderful and i can "see" why you enjoy spending time in it. As for the camera vs. iPhone, I have both, and admittedly do find the phone camera easier and more convenient although it too has settings I fail to use most of the time. I recently changed camera and bought an older Fuji digital which has many menus that I do not know how to use; however, I know there are YouTube videos available that hopefully can show me how to make better use of its features. Like yourself and AC and perhaps others I am trying to use the camera more.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, I guess we have become accustomed to using a phone camera and now are looking back to actual cameras with a little bit of longing. We do tend to spend more time in the room behind the fireplace but I have been trying to use this room more often. I guess I'm attempting to justify the excessive space.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Well both photos are good, have fun with your old camera!

Sandra said...

Thanks, Far Side. I will try!

The Happy Whisk said...
