Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, May 20, 2024

Frieda and Other Stuff

Her stage name is Flying Monkey.


Frieda was made to jump and climb. She has the largest flap of under-belly skin I have seen on a cat. As a Public Service Announcement, I think I should say be wary of stray kittens who show up at your door saying let me in. They aren't your run-of-the-mill kitty cats. And....please excuse the fibrous material on the screens. It is a constant battle, one I've almost given in to.

Now, onto the exciting stuff. I got the entire lawn mowed over three days. Yay, me! Mark got two overgrown flower beds weeded. Then it rained all night, but I can say, let it rain. It is Monday, so the washing machine is spinning as I type. We will have another week of clean cloths. I know I had plans for today besides laundry but it seems my mind has erased them. Not kidding. I don't remember what I had planned. I think my brain has become lazy.


Pixie said...

That cat is amazing and I'm sure a pain in the ass. We've had rain all weekend too, a very good thing.

It makes sense that a feral kitten that has survived would be smarter than most.

Anvilcloud said...

She looks like one to be feared up there. Meanwhile, our old girl can hardly get onto a chair anymore.

Boud said...

That kind of cat, always ours, showing up to tell us they live here now, reminds me of immigrants. It's the ones with initiative and boldness you meet, not the ones who lie down and give up!

Boud said...

My comment vanished! Again.

Sandra said...

Pixie, she can be a trial. She's 5 this autumn and has tamed herself somewhat, but she will also be my little monster! Gatto his the other one who is like no other cat I have known. He is sorta, um, not all there!

Sandra said...

AC, she is a tough cookie! I don't know what she will do when she gets old, drive me crazy, likely.

Sandra said...

Boud, I took it out of spam. That is an interesting perspective and one I hadn't thought of. I knew there is a reason I like you!

e said...

Cats certainly keep life interesting. Good job on the mowing. My plans include sleeping today.

Anonymous said...

I am impressed that you got your lawn mowed! As I recall you have a problem with your mower and it makes the job harder. You've come a long way baby. I think that is the phrase they used to use to sell Virginia Slim cigarettes in the 1970's?
I hope you feel proud of yourself because you should.


Rita said...

I don't know why I am always shocked by cats that can jump that high...but I am. I've seen a cat jump from the floor on top of the frig. Never owned one that could do that or maybe that even wanted to--lol! It is quite something.

Congrats on getting the lawn mowed! Whoohoo!

I've given up often on my patio door screen. But this spring I no longer have a hose (which they don't want us to use the outside spigot, anyways) so I have more reason to give up on cleaning the screen--lol!

If I don't write things down I am never guaranteed I will remember them--lol! My to-do list is my friend. Have a good one! :)

Val Ewing said...

Well I was awakened at 2:30 by the first round of lightening and thunder.
Mr. Charlie said ... Nope. This scares me!

Anyway, so happy the yard got mowed! Yeah you!

I have to often write out a list for the day and then cross them off.
I can get the laundry done okay. But folding it? That is another story! I hate folding it!

Sandra said...

Kaye, I did have trouble with the mower but Neighbor Bill fixed it. It took 3 afternoons but I got it done.

That was Virginia Slims. Another one marketed to women was Tarrington. I'd rather fight than switch. Now it's drug commercials.

Sandra said...

e, good plan. I hope you were able to do just that.

Sandra said...

Rita is my first super jumper. Gatto is her total opposite. Ever meet a completely clumsy cat? I have one. I have written a list at times. I forget to look at it. That stuff that sticks to the screen is awful!

Sandra said...

Val, if we had thunder I didn't hear it. It is raining, though. The grass has already grown.

I'm not good with lists, I forget about those, too! Laundry is next to the kitchen so it's easy to take to the kitchen table and get it folded. It's the one thing I do complete.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Cats the higher the better! Looking over their domain! It is that time of year for the fuzz in the air...I heard it almost drove the first settlers crazy as it collects everywhere:(