Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


Another rainy day. My lawn needs mowing again.
This is better than drought.

I'd asked Mark to pick up some shrimp when he went into town. He bought cooked, so after heating it was a bit dry, but still good. Anything with asparagus is going to be good. Except if there are mushrooms. That's a BIG nope.

I'm thinking of making a rhubarb clafoutis. Our rhubarb is ready to be picked and I believe I might like that. I rarely bake for two reasons. I do not crave sweet things and I shouldn't eat sweets. Once in awhile I do bake something and this time it will either be a clafoutis or a galette. This year I must remember to pick wild black raspberries. My tree line is loaded with them. I also need to get the elderflowers picked in time to make cordial. I'm always too late. I like a little cordial mixed with sparkling water and that stuff is expensive to buy. Since going on Wellbutrin my wine days are over. Not my whine days, though.

So, that's my story. Until the next time.


Anonymous said...

Your dinner looks so good and it looks beautiful, too. The colors and the different shapes make it pleasing to the eyes.

They market not only drugs but all over body deodorant to women these days. I had no idea we were such smelly beings. It smells like greed to me.

Take Care,

Sandra said...

Kaye, who knew we need deodorant on every part of the body! How did we survive without it? Greed, the corporate creed.

It is rather colorful. The pre-cooked shrimp may have been slightly dry but it is vibrant!

Boud said...

I do like clafoutis, with cherries best.
We don't need a lot of things mfrs tell us we do!

Sandra said...

Boud, you went to spam again. I think it likes you! I have used lots of different fruit in clafoutis. I know rhubarb isn't technically a fruit, but it's how I think of it.

We are constantly being told we need something we actually don't.

Anvilcloud said...

Here I am liking mushrooms but not asparagus. 😊

Rita said...

You are quite the chef! I had to google every one of those--lol! I come from a background of Swedish farmers (my folks were of the first generation that didn't farm) who ate bland simple foods. Meat and potatoes. But they did love to bake sweets! I am so impressed! :)

Sandra said...

AC, mushroom make me retch, really. I make them often though for Mark. Love me some asparagus!

Sandra said...

Rita, I have friends who are Scandi and German decent. I grew up with completely different food. My son actually is a chef!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Your dish looks great! Oh i love asparagus! Mushrooms not so much...same with celery. You could make Jam with the wild raspberries, if you have peonies you could make peony jelly. Looks like a banner year for wild raspberries and after all the rains the skeeters will be huge:(

Sandra said...

Far Side. We have similar taste! I have not heard of peony jelly. I learn something new all the time. I also have domestic and wild grapes, which I don't seem to ever do anything with. The skeeters are already making their presence known. Grumble grumble.

Val Ewing said...

Elderflowers? The ones that make Elderberries?

We have so so many of them.
I do like the berries.

Sandra said...

Val, yes. I’ve never done anything with the berries. Elder flower cordial is expensive, at least in my opinion. I should make, a friend makes lots of cordials.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Nice glass of wine sound good.

nick said...

I've never come across clafoutis or galettes before. The clafoutis looks tasty. Jenny makes delicious sultana or cherry buns (nb: she loves cooking, I do the washing up).

Sandra said...

It sure does, Dora.

Sandra said...

nick, they are both good and quite easy to make. You are fortunate to have a baker in the family. Mark would love that. And....you wash up!