Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Baby It's Hot Outside

We just had a thunderstorm, now ended. It will be a stifling day, as it is going to be in the 90s F. The humidity will be off the charts. Complain, complain. What would I do without the weather?

 I took this photo many years ago. When I look back at my photos, the difference between my Canon and my phone is apparent. More so in photos such as this than in the general 'grab a photo' photos. I know I wrote a couple of months ago about wanting to pick that camera back up, but that hasn't happened. Surprise. These iris traveled with me from Saint Paul over 30 years ago. They and the day lilies. If we have temperate weather I need to transplant some iris from beds that are crowding them out. I don't want to lose these.

That's my story for today. 


Far Side of Fifty said...

I need to do more camera work too, I enjoy it but lately things get in the way. Stay cool! We will be over the heat wave on Monday but it is forecasted to be high humidity up here today also 89 F and 86 % humidity. I will stay inside mostly.

Boud said...

Outdoor work is now early morning, before the heat and humidity rise. After sunset it's a mosquito's world.

That's a nice iris variety.

Ami said...

I always wanted to be a good photographer. I can take pictures, and once in awhile have something turn out amazing, but that's an accident. So I can take pictures, but no one will ever say I'm a great photographer, I just don't have the eye.

That said, my camera takes much better photos than my phone. This past school year I took a ton of photos of 'my' kids and posted them. First time I had the camera out, at least six kids had NO IDEA what it was.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck with the weather! I try to have indoor projects to get immersed in summer. It helps a lot.

Rita said...

Yes, we're supposed to get up to 93 degrees today. Good stay inside and putter day. I hope your AC is working.
I'd want to save those beauties, too! But not on a day like today--lol! Wait till it cools down a bit. ;)

Lori Skoog said...

Gorgeous photo. I know what you mean about getting out the camera. I am just using my iPhone because I am lazy. Please tell me that you are not sending that weather! We need a cool break...and more rain.

Sandra said...

Far Side, the phone is just so convenient! We are supposed to get cooler by Tuesday.. I hope we lose the humidity.

Sandra said...

Boud, the mosquitoes never seem to take a break! I like these iris, too.

Sandra said...

Ami, I am the same. Anything that comes out well is all the cameras doing. I believe the kids didn't know what a camera is. Phone cameras are the main camera now.

Sandra said...

CheerfulMonk, I have plenty to do inside. I just don't do it!

Sandra said...

Rita, or to watch a movie or listen to a book! I haven't turned the ac on yet. What I don't know won't hurt me.

I agree, another day for the iris.

Sandra said...

Lori, I tell it to leave you alone but the weather doesn't listen!

Anvilcloud said...

It's fun to take plants with us. We have forget-me-nots and chives that came a long way with us. Not too exciting, but I like them anyway.

Sandra said...

AC, the excitement is in the knowing you brought them along with you.

Miss Merry said...

What a beautiful iris.

Val Ewing said...

Beautiful irises! I wish I had that color! One day!
Yes, a regular camera does take wonderful photos with more depth than some cell phone shots. Though I have seen some remarkable photography done with cells.

For me, photography is my creative time and my 'quiet' time for me to concentrate on the process. I find my cell phone convenient for many things. Especially using the an app to figure out what plant I am looking at! Most of the time I take a shot with both the camera and the phone.

I am finding anything to do other than outside work through the weekend. The air is 'close'.

Stay cool. Did your A/C work?

Sandra said...

Thanks, MissMerry, I think so too.

Sandra said...

We had rain most of today, Val. Now the sun is out, just what we need! I can send you a couple of rhizomes in the fall if you would like. I have a photo I took early in the year with them in bloom so I should be able to tell which ones they are.