Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Keep it Light

Last evening we were sitting in the living room. Mark looks down at himself (his belly) and says "I'm officially old. I'm a stuffed shirt who drives a Buick and hangs out with fat cats." Yes, I married this guy!

What you do with leftover rotisserie chicken.



Boud said...

Not surprising his shirt is tight when you serve great food like that.

Sandra said...

Boud, he blames it on radiation. His doctor is kind enough to back him up!

Do you like farro? I use it a lot, in place of rice.

Boud said...

Yes, radiation. Of course.. I've never tried farro, so expensive, but maybe I should at least sample it. It can't be worse than quinoa!

Sandra said...

Boud, I really like it. Nutty with a bit of a chew. Good protein and fiber. A half cup uncooked would probably give you four servings. At least. Buy a small bag.

CheerfulMonk said...

About being old. Andy says he's getting there, but wont be officially old until his next birthday, when he'll be 90. 😊

Miss Merry said...

Chicken looks fabulous!

Sandra said...

CheerfulMonk, I like Andy's attitude!

Sandra said...

MissMerry, a good way to stretch leftovers.

Far Side of Fifty said...

You are better with a left over chicken than I am. I would be thinking...add some crispy fried potatoes and cheese:)

Sandra said...

Far Side, that would work for me, too!

e said...

The man is well fed!

Sandra said...

e, too well, if you ask me!

Pixie said...

He's a lucky man to be so well fed:) We have to get old, but we don't always get well fed.

Sandra said...

I think he married me because I cook, Pixie!!

Lori Skoog said...

Mark is cool!

Anvilcloud said...

It's the Buick. It seems to me that usually only older folk drive them. 😁

Val Ewing said...

A way to a man's heart is ... well, through awesome meals!

Sandra said...

Lori, sometimes!!

Sandra said...

AC, we agree. It had been my mother's car which I inherited when she died. They only drove Buicks. Now we are old and in her Buick!

Sandra said...

Val, this is so true!

Rita said...

Mark is a humorous guy...and you keep him well fed--lol!
Been hotter here again but not really bad. Hope you are keeping cool. :)

Sandra said...

Rita, keeping him fed does help his humor! It's been humid, like almost non-stop.

Mary Kirkland said...

Funny. I usually add it to my salad for lunch.

Sandra said...

Hi, Mary. It's good stuff!