Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Today will be the day I see if the ancient a/c unit works. We already have 89% humidity and a 74 degree dew point. There is severe weather forecast for late afternoon/early evening. Fun times.

If the old unit fires up I will attempt some much needed work inside. I've been comfortable without air conditioning if I don't do much and stay in front of a fan. Dinner has been anything simple I can come up with. It's too hot to even grill.

What's up with blogger now? I have captcha turned off on comments yet I have to do the photo square identification on any reply I make. Yesterday I had a different reply screen, one I preferred and today it's gone.  The trials and tribulations of life, I'm telling you.

Time used to fly when I was busy and drag on when I wasn't. It doesn't seem to matter which it is anymore, it is going by at the speed of light. Wasn't it just April? Why is August knocking at the door? It feels like I'll wake up tomorrow to Jingle Bells and yet I haven't finished weeding flower beds. If you watched Seinfeld you know about festivus for the rest of us. I'm celebrating early.


Boud said...

Blogger is working with the comment function, so weird (!) stuff is happening. They published a post of mine I was still writing! I had to revert it to draft to finish.

Pixie said...

Blogger seems to be having a few brain farts, kinda like me:)

Stay cool.

Ami said...

It's annoying to click all the pics of traffic lights or fire hydrants or bicycles. Nowhere to complain and actually get results, although complaining is fun on its own, really.

I'm making some garlic chicken & cream cheese/mushroom pastries for dinner tonight. After that, it's gonna be too hot to cook until, oh, October or so.

Val Ewing said...

I hope that your A/C does work!
As for our supper? I made Italian noodle salad with carrots, celery, and all sorts of goodies.
Cold supper for a hot day.

Your meals look incredible.
Stay cool.

No brainfarts for me on Blogger right now but I haven't written anything yet.

Rita said...

Blogger isn't sending me your replies and other comments. I have to go back to the older post when I get a new one to read what your comments. Not just your blog--all the blogs I follow no longer send me notifications of comments when I click the box. *sigh*
I sure hope your AC works! Your supper looks good to me. :)

Sandra said...

Boud, that hasn't happened to me....yet!

Sandra said...

Pixie, maybe I'm telepathically sending my own discombobulated thoughts through to blogger!

Sandra said...

Ami, complaining is a favorite passtime of mine! Take out the mushrooms and that sounds good to me.

Sandra said...

Val, I don't know Italian noodle salad, I'll look it up. The a/c is working at the moment, fingers crossed.

Sandra said...

Rita, now that is more than annoying. Hopefully it will resolve itself. Simple tortellini , garlic and sauteed zucchini. Easy.

nick said...

Good luck with the air conditioning. Temperature here is currently 18C, quite comfortable. Like you, I find time seems to go faster and faster. Wasn't it Christmas a few days ago?

Sandra said...

nick, the a/c is currently working. It sure seems like it was only a few days ago.

CheerfulMonk said...

That’s great news your air conditioning works. ❤️

peppylady (Dora) said...

We have more of dry heat.

Lori Skoog said...

I'm with you. If I'm in front of a fan I'm ok....and when the house gets hit with humidity I put on the window air conditioner in the kitchen. We need a break and may not get it until Next week. I've decided that summer is my least favorite season. I've had some changes blogging as well. Guess it is out of our control.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Blogger has been having fits, not sure what is up with them. Stay cool!

Sandra said...

Cheerful, it is!

Sandra said...

Dora, we have become more humid over the past decade. It's hard to cope with.

Sandra said...

Lori, we will get somewhat better weather next week, too. I don't enjoy summer anymore. The humidity takes too much of a toll. Blogger is going through something.

Sandra said...

Far Side, I was comfortable with the humidity taken out of the air in the house yesterday.

Anvilcloud said...

You have trouble posting comments and so do i. This is attempt #2.

Sandra said...

AC, do you think blogger is trying to get rid of us? We are tenacious!