Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Ummm, Ice Cream

I do believe we can guess what he is thinking.

The birds are twittering, I hear a mourning dove mourning. Humid, still. The undesired consequence of lots of rain. I am committed to no complaints about rain. May I sneak in how I cannot handle humidity? 

Bill brought the mower back a couple of days ago so that is what my afternoon will be. Mowing. Bill will be here this afternoon to help Mark put the new batteries in the truck. It has two. My horse trailer pulling one ton diesel dually. 1997. It's been with me a long time, I wonder which one of us will depart first. My son would love to inherit the truck!



Rita said...

Yes, you can complain about the humidity. ;)
Love the photo--lol!

Anonymous said...

You are such a good communicator/writer. You write about grief/loss, food, care of horses. living with cats and it is all so relatable to me as a reader. You educate, inform and all with good humor. Thank you for making my life better.

Take Care,

Sandra said...

Thank you, Rita, I feel a little bit guilty. But then I remember how humid it was during the 3 year drought and tell myself it's not only because of rain!

Sandra said...

Kaye, you are a kind person and you nudge me into accepting peoples compliments gracefully. It's not easy, but I'm working on it and you certainly give me homework! I hope the weather is good up in those mountains.

Boud said...

I think we can fill in the thought bubble above that head!

Val Ewing said...

I can see what the cat is thinking! Yummy ice cream!

As for humid, you can complain. I just went for a quick walk and my thought on the weather was: Muggy and Buggy. Period.

Even Charlie had gnats swarming his little cute face.

CheerfulMonk said...

I love that picture, and I'm sorry about the humidity. We're in the arid southwest here so rain is a blessing...except for flash floods.

Sandra said...

Boud, it's kind of evident, isn't it!

Sandra said...

He was calculating the risk, Val. I am amazed we are into July and it hardly feels like there has been a summer. I don't know how people work in this.

Poor Charlie, gnats should leave that cute face alone.

Sandra said...

CheerfulMonk, it's been a blessing here, too. We had 3 years of drought, not something we are used to. Our summers have become more humid. I'm too used to greenery to live in an arid place. I don't mind being a visitor, though. The landscape can be magnificent.

Gatto is always around for photos.

Anvilcloud said...

Did you not share a wee bit of ice cream?

Far Side of Fifty said...

The kitty looks starved for ice cream! Hope your mowing went well. It has been almost a full time job to keep up with it here. Stay cool!

Miss Merry said...

Take care of yourself mowing in this humidity!

Sandra said...

AC, nope! That would be a really bad idea, he'd be in the bowl before we knew it. :)

Sandra said...

Far Side, one thing he is not is starving, except maybe for ice cream! I didn't mow, too hot and humid.

Sandra said...

MissMerry, I didn't mow. I was hot and the humidity was thick. This morning thunder is rumbling. I don't know if it's going to rain or not.

nick said...

Not humid here but very rainy and uncharacteristically chilly - around 60F. Everything too mushy to do any serious gardening - or mowing.

Sandra said...

nick, I wouldn't mind that temperature. It started to rain just now. It's also very humid. We are becoming tropical.

e said...

Oh, if she isn't looking maybe I can sneak a lick or fourteen!
LOL...Good luck with the mowing!

Sandra said...

e, I think you know kitties!!