Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Frieda, Private Eye

I dared not call her personal assistant. She'd have slapped me upside the head.

Surreptitiously going through the files looking for dirt on the horses. Her client remains anonymous. Frieda has her ethics.



Bohemian said...

I'm on a Blog reading bender going thru the Archived Posts of new Bloggers I just found, such as yours... Cats can get into the Craziest places and positions, can't they? I've been downsizing my Hoard of Photos in the Great Edit and Purge of Possessions that is going on Forever and Ever. I couldn't Believe how many Cute Cat pixs I had of the many Years of Fur Baby Felines and what they got into... it was quite Emotional since all have since crossed over and one we had over 20 Years.

Sandra said...

This cat needs to see everything. If I open it, she's in it. It is difficult to look through our history. I started this blog in 2008, pretty much quit in 2012, so when I go through some of the old posts it's a trip down memory lane.