Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, March 20, 2022


Yesterday I made bread, a crusty boule.

Today I made soup, paired with the bread. Quite good, I say. A fine way to use a pork roast bone and the leftover meat.


I have one more winter under my belt. This being Minnesota winter may have another swing at us, but it will be fleeting. I overall enjoy winter, I like the dark, the coziness it holds, the fires blazing, the baking and cooking soups, braises and casseroles. The white landscape, the horses in the paddocks, contentedly chomping down the round bales of hay. It's a reset period. Unfortunately the last days of this winter have had a jolt of horror, an unsettling of how we view reality. An unexpected reset. Reality has become an insecure state of being, a shock that what happened 84 years ago is possible again. I, we have a sense of foreboding not shaken. So, as I told a friend....I make my bread, my soup. I live the life I have the best I know how. It's all I have control of. Yet, the grey cloud hovers and probably will, maybe always. In the meantime, bake some bread. Make some soup.


Bohemian said...

OMG, you make the most Beautiful Food! One could think this was a Food Blog, seriously!

Sandra said...

It kinda has become that. It's all I've got at the moment.