Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, March 28, 2022


Another month before we can hope to see this.

The answer to how does your garden grow is not well. The weeds were flourishing the last two years. I hate to admit it's getting to be too much. My medical condition has thrown a curve ball at our lives. Blood work is scheduled for next month and I need to get back to my physical therapy. It sort of feels like my mother is sticking pins in an effigy of me from whatever demon place she hovers. We don't know what is waiting around the bend, I never, ever thought I would become infirm, I was active and strong. Now, a bent over person too old for my age. If anyone reads this, I just needed to feel sorry for myself and it's better to do it here than to my husband. God knows he has enough to worry about. So, I've got things to do, a fire to start and I can look forward to making pizza this evening. Life can always be worse. So I hear. Later, my patient blog.


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