Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, March 10, 2022

Minnesota can be counted on for soup weather into May. I'm known as The Soup Goddess in my house, a name I shamelessly gave to myself.
It's cold for one more day, then we begin to warm. We often get at least one heavy snowfall in March and often snow in April, so it's not over yet. I've been trapped in my house for so long it's difficult to believe I'll get out and about again. I have underlying health issues, so I have stayed home. I also have developed a back problem that presents as spinal stenosis, but isn't. PT didn't help me, which means I did get out last year for appointments. It all blurs together into what feels like forever. It's been a strange time indeed. I actually am enjoying writing these little notes to myself, it gives me a bit of purpose every day. I guess I'll continue until I don't. Until tomorrow.


Kim S. said...

I just discovered your blog and enjoy your wiring. Keep at it, please, especially if it makes you feel better. Your soups look delicious. Are you inventing them or have recipes? Kim in PA

Sandra said...

Thank you, Kim.It's strangely satisfying to come here daily. I don't follow recipes unless I come across something I haven't heard of. Then I do. Soup pretty much follows a basic beginning.

julochka said...

Definitely keep writing. I always thought blogging was cheaper than therapy. We need to take it back again.

Sandra said...

You are so right about that. I remember how much I used to enjoy it. I'm enjoying it now, maybe because it arouses fond memories to do so. We can take back our little bit of it.