Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, September 28, 2024

More Food

The product of four cups of milk.

I've intended to make eggplant involtini for a couple of weeks and finally got to it yesterday. I thought I had ricotta but didn't, so I made some. Four cups of milk yields one-half cup of ricotta. I will use the whey to make bread. The sauce had too much moisture but was still good. Under all that sauce are small rolls of roasted eggplant stuffed with ricotta, some of those thyme leaves I spent to much time on and grated parm.

Three more days of weather in the 80s F and then a bit of a cool down. Mark had a good time with the male members (siblings and cousins) of his family yesterday at lunch. His brother from Florida made it out before the hurricane blasted through. His intention is to fly back on Sunday, if he can. The images I've seen are devastating. I don't know if his area was impacted, as I don't actually know where he lives in Florida. Wherever The Villages are. Yes, he lives there.

Today is unplanned, which could mean I may get something done. I often seem to buck my own plans. I need to be stubborn with someone, it may as well be myself.


The Happy Whisk said...

I love a no-plan day! Sorry to read about the storm-blast. Not fun. I've made non-dairy ricotta before. Super yummy. Glad you had the milk needed to make yours. Bread? I haven't made bread in for too long. Love homemade though. Just not in the cards at the moment. Soon though.

Miss Merry said...

Gosh, your plate looks so delicious!!!

Lori Skoog said...

You are making me so hungry!

Sandra said...

How do you make non-dairy ricotta? My DIL is vegan.

Sandra said...

It's very simple to make and it is good.

Sandra said...

A simple dish, Lori and can be prepped ahead of time. Which is what I did.

e said...

I just finished lunch and your plate is making me hungry! The entire State has been affected by Helene in various degrees. I hope his return is without problems.

Sandra said...

I'm relieved you and Mercy are safe. Something as devastating as that hurricane would affect the whole state. Such a horrible thing.

Boud said...

I'm glad Mark's brother got out. And I hope for the best about what he'll return to. I've never made ricotta. I wonder if the process is like paneer.

Sandra said...

It is. You just stop at the curdling part.