Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, June 9, 2022


The daughter of the first person I met when I started this blog got married. She was about eight years old and the sweetest little girl possible to exist.  Friend's mother perhaps saved my life when she encouraged me to go to the doctor after having horrible pain for hours during the early morning hours. Then the pain stopped. Dianne told me she thought it was my appendix and encouraged me to see the doctor, she was right. By the time I was on the operating table it was about to burst, the surgeon told me he had never seen a worse looking appendix.

Time went on, blogging waned and everyone went to Facebook, including me. Three years ago I just left. Yesterday I arbitrarily looked at it and there was beautiful Sienna in a wedding gown with her new husband. I felt so happy! I am so glad I made that decision to look at FB. 


Lori Skoog said...

Simple pleasures! Did you buy a lottery ticket?

Sandra said...

I should have! I felt a member of this family for years. I still feel a connection to these people I have never met, yet knew.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Fun! I don't do much of anything on facebook, a family page with old photos and I enjoy that and crochet groups...:)

Sandra said...

I was an active blogger who became an active FB user. I never actually liked the concept of FB, but I went along with it. Did Instagram for awhile, but I find it empty. I sure did like seeing Sienna.

Val Ewing said...

I am active on FB but only for some photo groups and sort of something to look at when really bored.

I like blogger a bit more. People are more interesting when they write about things rather than just post to FB as if to say...HEY wow! I am so incredible, look what I did!


Sandra said...

Val, yes! I resisted FB as long as I could but eventually gave in. I could tell FB was going takeover and blogger would diminish. It's interesting to be back and be a newbie.