Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Sky Pilots

Yesterday as I was mowing the lawn I had a continual escort of dragon flies.

A swarm. I haven't experienced this before. I've had barn swallows swooping and diving as I mow, going after whatever insects I may be serving up, but this was an entirely different thing.

They have an amazing navigational system. They were in very large numbers and yet I was not once touched by one. They didn't fly into or onto the mower. They floated around effortlessly, swooping, darting and just suspended. It was quite an experience.

Today will be more of the same; mowing. I'll attempt to get tomatoes planted, but it depends on my back. Mark got quite a bit of weeding done yesterday but he's now back to his office. By the time we get done it will be snowing. But, for now it is a beautiful day.


Boud said...

I love dragonflies, all the species. We have a lot, and they seem fearless. I'm told they're fearsome hunters, well named.

Sandra said...

Boud, being among that many of them and not be touched was kind of mind boggling. I don't know if I'll experience this again, pretty amazing.

Far Side of Fifty said...

We are awaiting their arrival I have only seen two or three...we need many more than that!

Sandra said...

Far Side, I think they all moved here.