Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Inspector Gatto

The Costco order passed inspection.

After receiving my order from Costco I was able to make the fresh tomato pesto with the cashews and EVOO I bought. I kept about a dozen or so to use as tomatoes. This is it for processing, I don't have any space left.

I felt better yesterday. Then another wonderful thing happened. It rained....starting around 5:00pm and lasting throughout the night. Hooray! And, more is expected over the next two days. Yippee-ki-yay, get along little dogey! It's made me feel so good I turned the oven onto the clean cycle and now I've smoked up the house. Ah, well, it needed doing. Badly. 

Mark went to his class reunion yesterday. About a dozen people were there. He went to a small, rural school, so when I say class I mean from kindergarten through high school. They were all in the same classroom all the years of primary. I went to a huge school, there were lots of people in my class I didn't know at all. He had a good time visiting with people he's known all of his life. We came from totally different planets. I have not attended any of mine and that's ok with me.

Let's see if this burst of interest, not so much energy, lasts and I actually get some work done today. I have medium hopes.


Boud said...

The idea of reunions seems cultural. My old school was never able to muster enough interest. My uni wanted nothing to do with its graduates. Heck, my family never had one despite repeated efforts by one sister. They were on three continents, admittedly.

Sandra said...

I couldn't graduate fast enough. I have no interest in a reunion. I don't have family so no reunion there. Mark has enough to fill a small town. I leave him to it and he leaves me out of it! Three continents will present a problem.

Lori Skoog said...

You sure produce a lot of good food. We are out of gas with tomatoes and will use the rest for salads. It's about time you got some good rain....things must be greening up. Sounds like you are feeling pretty good!

Val Ewing said...

We finally got rain here too and then it was on and off all weekend which was fine with us...except now it looks like we have to mow !!! :-O

I gathered a ton of tomatoes and will be freezing them this week. They came from my two little tomato plants! I've had people offering me boxes of them and I politely refuse. I have enough canned tomatoes for another winter at least!

Sounds like you have had a huge burst of energy!

Sandra said...

Lori, I am also out of gas, and space, concerning tomatoes. I'm doing the same with them now. I have had more mental energy. Which helps.

Sandra said...

Val, I'm going to need to mow, too! I've almost forgotten how. I use a lot of tomato sauce, but it may be too much even for me.

Mental energy is what gets me motivated. My uncooperative body wants to try!