Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Get a load of these fancy canisters!
Just kidding.
They are coffee cans. I used whole beans for as long as I can remember, until the grinder broke and I didn't get around to replacing it. The coffee I have been buying comes in these really nice cans, the label comes right off and there are these sturdy, nice looking cans. I stopped recycling them and have made them canisters. At some point I will need to let them go, but one of my foibles is saving containers and jars. Pity whoever has to clear out my house when I go toes up.

We seem to be living on tomatoes. 

We had another rainy day Monday. We have had over six inches of rain in three days. The trees needed this, I've been concerned for the pines. It's not supposed to rain today but it sure looks like it will. Boud, this looks like it could be a chili day. The horses have had a couple of soaking showers and they haven't minded a bit. 

Mark got his glasses and they are perfect. He is happy. Now it's my turn. Buying online saved us a boatload of cash. Which makes Mark really happy, now that he has them and they are good. A happy man is a positive thing.


Boud said...

I save containers. My son saves containers. I think it's genetic.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Oh those cans are perfect! Yes a happy man is a good thing!

Sandra said...

Boud, it's a thing for sure. Any good jar or container is kept. When I don't it feels like I'm committing a crime!

Sandra said...

Far Side, they are. Very sturdy and shiny. I have too much on the baker's rack in my pantry. I've put some of it in these containers. Odd how happy they make me! Yes, nothing worse than a disgruntled man. :)

e said...


Val Ewing said...

Those are nice looking cans!
I save containers too. I use them for my seeds in bulk. I can write on the cottage cheese containers and when someone asks me for seeds, I can locate them in my pantry right away.

The canisters match your stove!

Sandra said...

e, yes!

Sandra said...

Val, I put stock into the large sour cream container for freezing. I have a cabinet stuffed with containers and some plastic storage boxes filled with jars. Like-minded people do tend to drift toward one another!

They do! They are so sturdy it is surprising. I should save seeds, it would save me money.

Lori Skoog said...

I could eat that pasta right now!!! Starving.

Sandra said...

Lori, I love fresh tomatoes in olive oil, butter and garlic. So fast and so good!