Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, September 16, 2024

Frolicing Horsie Photo Memories

WF Impressive. WF Airs Above Ground. WF Maximum Velocity.
The boys at play.

I can't tell who this is, although I'm certain it's a gelding. This is what happens when so many of the horses are bay with no markings. It's probably Scamper.

We've been having hot, humid weather. It's cutting into the precious autumn weather when I can get outside work done. Over time I have become very heat intolerant. Let's not even go into the humidity. Hopefully we will have mild weather into October.

Mark has a busy schedule the rest of this month. Lunch with his cousins at a bar/restaurant convenient for all the guys. A medical appointment. A sibling reunion at the lake home of a niece at the end of the month. And in the middle, a class reunion. They have decided to have one every year, as quite a few of his small class of thirty have died in the past few years. What a difference from my school. I went to a very large high school, he went to school with the same kids from kindergarten through graduation. I have never attended a reunion. I suppose in a small school you form closer bonds than when you're just one in a crowd of many.

Today, being Monday, is laundry, lunch from the deli and who knows what after. Ah, Monday.


Far Side of Fifty said...

It is very warm Fall weather although the nights are a tad cooler but not much 63 was our low overnight. Leaves are beginning to turn color. Mark has a busy rest of the month. Hope you have a good week!

Marlane said...

That is so true about a horse with no markings. My twin and I went to a small village school with about 20 pupils to start and then worked our way up to high school. They are called different names in England. Then my parents split up and we moved around and all the friends we had were gone. Then I moved to the USA and had to start over again, and believe me having a British accent did not help.

Boud said...

Marlane, yes, for every person who likes the accent there are plenty who harass it! We rise above.
I grew up in the UK and the idea of reunions was unheard of! One girl tried to get interest, but got a universal ew!

Sandra said...

It's not only been hot but very humid, at least down here. I hope to have a good week and hope the same for you.

Sandra said...

I just don't understand the attitude toward your accent. I personally have not experienced a situation where people have a problem with someone with an accent. I guess I lived in a bubble!

Sandra said...

When I lived in the South I was harrassed all the time about my yankee accent. I would have been better off with an English accent! I feel the same way about reunions....ew!!!

nick said...

I've never attended any school reunion. My prep school never held them, and my years at boarding school were so unenjoyable I had no interest in reunions.

Lori Skoog said...

In the 80s here, but the humidity is not outrageous. Definately has an impact on me. I've not been to a class reunion for decades and now very few people show any interest at all. I loved having foals! Do you still have the three in the photo?

Sandra said...

My years in school left me with the same feeling, nick.

Sandra said...

Very humid here. On the left is Topper. He is still here, healthy and happy. Then Ari, died in 2014 from colic. City, sold to an acquaintance as a 3 year old. Died from colic in 2016. Topper sired several foals before he was cut in 2009. He is happier as a gelding.

Val Ewing said...

Fun frolicking photos. Say that 3 times fast!
I have so many fun wrestling photos of the young gelding mules we had. They used to play fight like mad!
Every once in a while it is fun to head down that memory lane and enjoy what once was.

Hot here but not as bad as yesterday. Looking forward to our cool nights. Especially tonight with a chance for the Northern Lights and tomorrow night with a full Super Moon and partial lunar eclipse.

CheerfulMonk said...

Good luck with getting some cooler weather!

Sandra said...

I think I'll pass on saying that 3 times! The boys are the mischief makers. Saturday is when it's supposed to get cooler. I'm so tired of this.

Sandra said...

Thanks. The humidity has been awful.

Anvilcloud said...

I have never been moved to attend a reunion, either as a student or a teacher.

Rita said...

Our fairly large Fridley class of '68 has had reunions every five years. Not many classes have them that often...and still do. I attended all of them until I think the 30th. Would have still attended every one of them if my health hadn't gone done the tubes so I can't travel back to the twin cities. Funny--my BFF from high school never attended once--lol!
Love the pictures of the happy horses!! :)

Sandra said...

We all seem to feel about the same way on this issue.

Sandra said...

I think you are the exception to our rule, Rita!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Nothing wrong with a little horse play.

Sandra said...

There sure isn't!