Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Gloomy Day

Lentils for lunch

What makes lentils even better? Shredded cheese!


We are having miserable weather; raining on top of the snow we already have, then supposedly snow later. The equines are spending the day in the barn, 34 F, windy and raining is no weather for my barn babies. 

I gave my gallon of blood yesterday. The suggestion I should bring up Lymes is a very good one and I will do that. I have two more days of prednisone, I can't hardly wait for that to be over. I get extremely edgy. The first day I thought I was going to dodge that feeling. I didn't.

Other than lunch, weather and blood I am a little low on ramblings. Tomorrow is another day. Stay warm.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Snowing here now but before it snowed we had freezing drizzle and it is very icy out. Stay warm!

Sandra said...

Far Side, It’s a light rain and strong wind. This is just the worst with livestock. I have a fire blazing to do just that, keep warm!

Peace Thyme said...

I made a yummy dinner last night Recipe from the Bosh boys, in England. Sweet potato, carrots, tomatoes, coconut milk and the most yummy mix of spices. With a little rice and mango salsa!

Boud said...

Some good sounding food around here today.

Pixie said...

I had a friend once who had to take prednisone. She wanted to kill her dog. She didn't but it didn't bring out the best in her. I've never had thankfully.

Sandra said...
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Sandra said...

That sounds delicious, Peace Thyme!

Sandra said...

Pixie, I've been on prednisone a few times. It really is awful but does help if it is short term. I haven't wanted to kill anyone but maybe because I've learned to leave the room.