Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Friday, December 23, 2022

Let Me In

First, we had chicken noodle soup for lunch. Mark told me I made a good version of Campbell's chicken soup. Thanks, Mark!


....this little guy was in the screen porch yowling like his life depended on it. Which it very well may have. He had trouble walking, his feet were frozen, and he was shivering. I brought him in and held him until he was warm. Keetah got a chance to sniff him like he might be carrying drug paraphernalia. When he wanted down, I let him. Keetah followed him and he didn't care. This is the most nonreactive cat I've met. My cats gave him evil eyes and a few warning hisses, which meant nothing to him. He explored the house, met the litter boxes and yowled some. He is young and intact. I don't think he's at the spraying stage yet.

Before I went to bed he was at the porch door wanting out. I got a blanket and put it on the wicker sofa cushion, making a spot to hole up. He wanted back inside, so I let him in. This went on three more times before I told him he was staying in, it's best. 

He is used to being nocturnal. He always shows up after dark. He walked the house during the night meowing and yowling. My cats had enough of him and laid at their usual spots on the bed. He wasn't going to upset their night.

This morning he is not to be found. He has to be somewhere unless he has magical powers. Mark is worried. If a cat wants to hide, they will hide. Or, he's a demon. I think he's a cat.


Far Side of Fifty said...

A homeless cat! Happy Christmas to you! I think you are getting the worst of the storm this time. It is blowing here and about fifty below zero. Others in this house younger than me are going out for last minute stuff!

Pixie said...

Poor guy. Bagheera, our cat, has been pissy because I won't let her out. Yesterday I let her out at -34C for about ten seconds, then she was pissy when I let her back in, meowing at me quite angrily. I give up:)

I hope that poor guy is alright. You may have another cat.

Boud said...

I wonder if the cat has another home. I hope he's somewhere warm anyway.

Sandra said...

Far Side, Happy Christmas to you! It's blowing and very cold. I think it's winter! There is nothing last minute I would need to get me out. But I'm old. : )

Sandra said...

Pixie, my house cats like to be on the screened porch but they have done the same as your cat. I want out, no let me in. The cat is somewhere in the house unless someone was sleepwalking and let Himont. He was up all night, he has to be sleeping somewhere, we just don't know where.

Sandra said...

Boud, it's possible. He's familiar with a house. I put photos on the Next Door app asking if he belongs to anyone. We have no idea where he is right now, he has to be in the house. If no one claims him I'll have him neutered and keep him. We are perplexed over where he could be.

e said...

Cats hide during the day if they live outside so maybe he is just playing it safe for now. It was really good of you to rescue him. I hope he will adjust well. Your soup looks delicious, Merry Christmas.

Sandra said...

Thanks, e.