Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, December 24, 2022


At 5:00 last evening I heard his yowling. He was sitting in my office.

He spent the entire day sleeping someplace. He moved around the house like he's always lived here when he got up and made himself at home on Frieda's ottoman and throw. She did not like that. He did not care. Of course, he spent the night howling, yowling and then going after the blinds in the bedroom. He put Keetah into a state of high anxiety. We had a circus of fools for several hours. I gave Keetah melatonin. She was so anxious she didn't notice. Finally I got her to calm down and she passed out. This guy finally stopped his 'let me out' and I got some rest.

I've posted him on a local site but I doubt he will be claimed. I've seen too many tame cats wandering to believe he's being missed by anyone. I have a drive in hayloft with a small opening cut out in one of the doors for cats to be able to get in for shelter and warmth. Most are feral, but not all. It's a hard life for cats. I try to make it a little easier. Any cat that lands here for some time gets spay/neutered. There is a program for altering strays. I do my best to keep the cat population down, but it's a drop in the bucket.

So, it's Christmas Eve. Merry Christmas to you all. 


Anonymous said...

How kind of you. The fellow has found a nice B and B to stay in out of the cold. He found Kind people who opened their door.

Merry Christmas and Stay Safe,

Sandra said...

Kate, thank you. I have great empathy for the plight of cats. I’ve rescued many dogs and a couple of horses, but cats break my heart.

Merry Christmas to you.

Sandra said...

Auto Correct or fumbling fingers made you Kate. I know you are Kaye.

e said...

I wish more people were as kind to animals as you, the world might be a different place. Merry Christmas. Ihope you get some rest.

Val Ewing said...

Awww. You sure were good to this guy. I hope he settled in and stopped yowling for you.

Sandra said...

e, you can tell a person's character by how they treat animals. I did get some rest!

Sandra said...

Val, he still is yowling during the night but he's not going outside. I'll get him neutered a quickly as possible, maybe that will help.

Pixie said...

He is a very pretty cat. Think you might enjoy this.


Sandra said...

Pixie, hilarious and too true!