Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, May 18, 2024

And Then This Happened......

Rain. Lots of it. Last evening. 

No complaints. After a couple of years of drought I certainly welcome rain. It is what has kept the lawn a jungle, but this is better than the maybe twice I mowed the lawn last year. I got only about a quarter of it mowed yesterday. It was in the mid 80s F yesterday with full sun. I became over-heated and stopped. There is over an acre I mow and since I need to have the mower on a low speed, because of my back, it takes two/three days for me to finish. You can see in the photo someone (me) has not graded the driveway. So much to do, so little mojo to do it with. I doubt it will dry enough to mow this afternoon, but we will wait and see.

In the mean time, I guess I'll make bread.


Boud said...

I love your default position -- bread baking.

Val Ewing said...

My driveway was a quagmire for years despite our trying to fix it.
Your driveway looks fine. The puddle is cool, it will make a splash if you drive through it fast!

Yes, mow on low and go sllllooowww.

Anvilcloud said...

We are having a lot of rain too, and the grass is growing apace.

Rita said...

Congrats! One quarter is good.
Rained here, too. That light, soaking rain. Yes, that we have needed, for sure. It's the best kind for all the life growing around us...sadly, including the grass--lol! ;)

Sandra said...

Boud, I thought so, too. And...I've actually made the dough!

Sandra said...

Val, I need to keep up with the driveway to keep it from becoming a quagmire. When it's this long you can't do anything but go slow.

Sandra said...

AC, the rain is welcome, even if the grass does become a foot high!

Sandra said...

Rita, yes the grass is a consequence of the needed moisture. I will survive, even though the place is beginning to look derelict.

Lori Skoog said...

We had an inch and a half of rain, but our drainage is good. Hopefully all the moisture is giving the horses some nice green grass at your place. Got our new lawn tractor today and I must say I like the old one better. If I don't start on the pastures pretty soon the grass will be too high for the mower. Keep plugging!

Sandra said...

Our drainage is not good, black clay. The boys will be out on pasture all day starting tomorrow. The mares winter on a pasture so they have had a slow introduction to grass already. Like your boys. My mower is ancient but it keeps on ticking!

nick said...

A spell of dry sunny weather here so I've mowed three of our tiny lawns. The grass on the fourth isn't too long so we're leaving that one for a bit. One day someone will invent a type of grass that never grows more than an inch and mowing will be one of those distant memories....

peppylady (Dora) said...

The weather sure been off all over the world.

e said...

You have a good back up plan.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

Whenever it rained at our former home in VA, the driveway was similar to your photo, Sandra. Why we never thought to have it paved is a mystery as we recently heard that new owners have done that.

Sandra said...

nick, I wish they would hurry up and get it invented!

Sandra said...

Dora, it has. I think what was usual is no more.

Sandra said...

I thought so, e! I even followed through.

Sandra said...

Dorothy, there are two paved driveways in the "neighborhood". It looks out of place! I cannot imagine the cost of paving one so long, but neighbors paved an even longer driveway.

R's Rue said...

I welcome the rain.

Sandra said...

Me, too!

Far Side of Fifty said...

Rain is a good thing! I wear a big old explorers hat with a brim and safety glasses when I mow...the hat keeps me cooler)

Sandra said...

Far Side, we had rain all day yesterday. Everything is bright green!