Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Mow, Mow, Mow the Lawn....

The rain stopped late morning and then the wind kicked up yesterday afternoon. It's sunny and mild today. I will be mowing and Mark will be weeding. It will be nice to see the bearded iris without looking through a weed forest.

Yesterday was a do-nothing day for me. That used to be every day and now it's about every other. I did make the bread I'd mixed the day before. It's one half white whole wheat and one half bread flour, with two tbs of vital wheat gluten. The crumb isn't as open but still not dense. I know I need the whole grains but I sure love those white flour loaves.

I made the potatoes Pixie posted for dinner last night. They were a hit. Anything including bacon is a hit with me. I used to watch a Canadian cook on the Food Network who had studied in France. She once said, wryly, the French consider bacon a vegetable. I'm onboard with that!! I did take a brisket out of the freezer, let's hope it has time to thaw, although I have a backup plan of grilled pork chops. It would be the first use of the grill this season.

That's the story today. Enjoy your story, whatever it is.


Far Side of Fifty said...

Have fun mowing! The bread looks great, only thing better than bacon, is bacon with bacon:)

Sandra said...

Far Side, you are my kind of person!!

Miss Merry said...

I can just taste that gorgeous bread slathered with butter. My favorite food groups are bread and potatoes. And my favorite condiment is butter!

Sandra said...

Miss Merry, I do love bread. I suppose that's why I enjoy making it. It's a constant in my life, something I can always do when I can do nothing else. I do like butter on warm bread.

Boud said...

I do like your bread, though I pass on the bacon.

Pixie said...

I'm glad you guys enjoyed them. My mouth enjoyed them very much, but my gut did not sadly.

I've been busy in the garden, planting annuals and general tidy up. The nights are supposed to be frost free now, fingers crossed.

Sandra said...

Boud, well one out of two ain't bad!

Sandra said...

Pixie, they were really good and didn't bother my gut or Mark's at all.

The mower won't start so I am not mowing. Next week I will buy annuals, we should be out of danger of frost, too.

Bohemian said...

Today was my mostly do nothing day and I never got out of my Jammies. The Kiddos had cleaned almost everything for me and so I could luxuriate and not do anything that resembled Work. *Smiles, Life is good when that happens* The Loaf looks delish, I used to have a little Bread Machine and it baked great little Loaves that lasted only about a few Seconds after all the Work of making and baking them. *LOL* We got the Weeds under control this Month, they were bad this year.

Lori Skoog said...

Sorry your mower is not working.....again. Sounds like you were ready to roll. When Gary used to bake bread it was gone so fast....the smell of it baking sent us out of control. Get minds again. I made pork chops for dinner. What is that rhubarb thing you wanted to make?

Anonymous said...

I love that turn of phrase you used. "That's my story today. Enjoy your story, whatever it is." It could be the ending of a book or the sign off from a radio show or a pod cast. I like it.
I hope your horse is dong better.
Take Care,

Rita said...

Every other day being a do-nothing-day sounds like progress to me. ;)
Before Keto I lived on bread and pasta. That does look delicious!
Enjoy the holiday weekend. :)

Anvilcloud said...

Your bread always looks so delicious.

Sandra said...

Dawn, I wish I had kisses to clean for me! I could really use your daughter. I make bread all the time so we don't devour it like we would otherwise.

Sandra said...

Lori, as long as Bill keeps fixing it I'll keep using it. It's really old but it cuts great and until recently, always worked. I will post a clafoutis recipe. Pork chops are on the menu soon, maybe tomorrow.

Sandra said...

Kaye, your thought it could be an ending to a book is great! The mare has been doing well and then today refused to walk to go outside.

Sandra said...

Rita, it's better than none at all! Pasta and bread are an integral part of my life, life would be empty without it๐Ÿ˜„

Sandra said...

Thanks, AC. It gives me pleasure to make bread.