Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Monday, May 13, 2024

The Sweet Smell of Lilacs

I was given a vase of lilacs on Saturday from a bush they had planted. The aroma is wonderful.

I had plans to mow the lawn yesterday. That didn't happen. It was hot and I was unmotivated. I did manage to make pizza dough and then in the evening the pizza. I often use prosciutto or speck, Italian cured ham, on pizza. It's paper thin and crisps well. I used the remaining tomato sauce I'd made for the meatballs as a base on the crust. That worked well and was good use of a leftover. My husband is very food centric, I'll lead with that to say, he told me as he is eating his messy pizza that he hit the jackpot when he married me. It's amazing how food erases all the years of a difficult me! Oh, I just bought another horse, here, have steak. I think I'll move to Atlanta, here's some lasagna. He is a saint. Don't tell him I said that.

It's laundry day, I also have tentative plans for some mowing in the afternoon. I do need to do it, it's a jungle out there. 


Boud said...

Certainly nice to have a partner who really appreciates what you put on the table! Well, you're also very good at it, so there's that.

Sandra said...

Boud, one thing I never have to worry about is Mark and food! You would think he was starved as a child. He was not. The first meal I made for him was trout, wild rice, asparagus and hollandaise sauce. He said "oh, fish, rice and gravy. He had a long way to go! My little boy was eating with us, he put his napkin in his lap, suggested Mark do the same. During the meal he nicely said to Mark that it's not polite to talk with your mouth full. Not your usual 4 yr old!

The Happy Whisk said...

Another horse. lolololololololol.

Sandra said...

Ivy, it happened. 😄

Lori Skoog said...

Simple, delicious pleasures. We sure did not get your 80 degree weather, but our grass is growing like crazy. Did your horses get out on pasture?

Sandra said...

Lori, not yet. They get 3 part days until they are on full time. We may start them next week.

The simple meals always seem to be the best. I don't work at it anymore.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I also did load of wash today.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I mowed a bit today, I did my brothers shop and our front yard. I left the side yards full of Dandys for the bees:)

Val Ewing said...

Thankfully my husband is okay with my limited cooking. As long as he has something to eat each night [and at noon] he is good.

Mowing. It took me 4 days of mowing a section at a time to get the yard done. I'm considering fencing if the rider doesn't come back.


Anvilcloud said...

That looks like a well-loaded pizza.

Our lilacs are blooming, but we haven't brough any in.

Rita said...

Oh, that pizza looks soooo good!
Having a man who appreciates you is a treasure in this life. :)
I do love the scent of fresh picked lilacs.
May you have a good day!! :)

e said...

I am glad you had a nice Mother's Day. The flowers are lovely as are the photos. Wishing you a good week!

nick said...

I couldn't smell the lilacs as my sense of smell has completely vanished, but they're certainly very pretty. Me too re lawn-mowing. It's been (unusually) too hot for mowing here.

Sandra said...

Dora, it's a drudge but it must be done.

Sandra said...

Far Side I didn't mow. Yesterday and today are scheduled appointments so it will have to be tomorrow.

Sandra said...

Val, if it came down to that Mark would be the same way, just feed me!

I have several days of mowing ahead of me. I talked about fencing the front lawn, Mark did not like the idea!

Sandra said...

AC, artichoke hearts, olives, spinach and speck. Also fresh mozzarella.

Mine are blooming and I also have not brought any in.

Sandra said...

Rita, the pizza was good and Mark does appreciate food!

I was gone all day yesterday but it was a ok day.

Sandra said...

Thank you, e. We did have a really good time.

Sandra said...

nick, we have been on a rollercoaster with weather . Hot on day cool the next and so on.

Has your sense of taste been affected by the loss of smell?

nick said...

No, oddly enough my sense of taste is just fine - except that I can't taste garlic. And before you ask, I lost my sense of smell many years ago, so it's not an after-effect of covid.

Sandra said...

nick, I'm happy to read this. Sense of smell very often affects taste. I would be very unhappy to not taste garlic!