Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Good Afternoon

A rare afternoon post from me.

Today's lunch was clearing the refrigerator of leftovers. All have now been used.

Mark's Lunch

My Lunch

A small dish of vanilla ice cream followed. Tomorrow is supposedly our last day of high heat and humidity. It cannot come soon enough. On the isolation topic from yesterday.....I looked for senior (I can't believe I am writing this word) activities in my area. There is a senior center in a town 10-12 miles away that has lots of things going on. People from other towns are welcome. Now, I need to do what Val mentioned. Make the effort. There is the problem. I need to go over what is scheduled more closely, then determine if I can motivate myself to make the effort. I am my biggest problem, I've become too comfortable in my isolation. But still wanting interaction. Kind of a mess, yes?

I'm about to make a tomato sauce to be used for eggplant parmesan. I have two large eggplants so I will make enough sauce for a later eggplant involtini. It is always feast or famine with eggplant. It's a good thing we both like it.

Now you know the story of my day. woo-hoo!!


Pixie said...

I think that sounds like an excellent idea. I need to do that as well. It's only been a few months but I miss people.

Boud said...

I keep going to my two knitting groups, where quite a few crafts happen, and a lot of good chat. I hope you find good chat.

Rita said...

I know you will let us know if you make it out on an adventure to the senior activities place. Be waiting to hear. Might be fun. But if you don't like it you don't have to go back and you'll know. Win-win. :)

Sandra said...

I will work on getting myself to do it. The rest of this month and whatever good weather we have next month will b spent getting work done outside.

Sandra said...

You are good at keeping yourself busy. You have quite a lot of social interaction.

Sandra said...

So right, Rita. I’ll n ed to get my outside tasks completed first.

Ami said...

So my mom goes to the Senior Center for lunch almost every day.During the last three years of Dad's life, her circle was very small. She wasn't able to go anywhere because she was taking care of an ungrateful and mean asshole oh my god did I just say that? Now she's getting out daily. While I think she needs assisted living, as long as she's resistant to that idea, at least she's not isolated anymore.

I say to go anyway. Your outside work will get done, or it won't get done and no one will care. Go meet some people. Really.
I had an actual lunch today. Bought some fish over the weekend and had about given up on the idea of eating it, just felt too crappy. But! I had it for lunch!

And... I am going *back to work* tomorrow!!!

Far Side of Fifty said...

We have to stay away from germs and people...so there we are. I would like the Senior activities and lunch, my husband would not! I hope you report back if you go. WE are supposed to cool off a bit and it will be a relief...I am done with humidity and hot weather:)

Miss Merry said...

I have a funny senior center story. Well, actually two stories.
Story 1: I saw a one time class listed for a project where I think you put glass pieces in concrete and made a flower for your garden. I called to see if I "qualified". I was in my late 50's and my father (who I cared for) had just passed. I found out that, to participate in the activities you had to be over 18. I signed up. I showed up when they told me to and there was no class. They told me the class I registered for was on Thursday, not Tuesday. I came back on Thursday and went to the classroom. The teacher was surprised to see me. This was an intermediate stained glass class. He felt bad I had come twice and set me up with a beginner project. I stayed in the class for almost 5 years, until Covid hit.
Story 2: My first time in the class my other classmates were talking about members and mentioned a Jane Doe. In my head I was thinking it must be the mother of a classmate we called Janie Doe. Because obviously my classmate would be like me, too young for a class at the senior center. You guessed it. When she came the next week, it was my classmate and she was using her grownup name now that she was as old as me. LOL
The class was discontinued after Covid but our core group from our table, who used to go out for coffee after class, continue to meet once a month for lunch. It does force me to dress up like an adult and socialize. Go for it!!!

Lori Skoog said...

Even if you find one thing to do...it would be fun to connect with others who have the same interest. I can just see you in a writing group...you are so good at it!!! Playing bridge and having band practice every week has been great for me, but I am still very happy to be home the rest of the time. Gary needs a lot more socializing than I do. Nice that you and Mark can both have great, yet different lunches. Yum.

Anvilcloud said...

We seems to be in the same weather pattern as you. It will cool down to more normal conditions after tomorrow.