Everything sublime is as difficult as it is rare. Baruch Spinoza

Thursday, September 26, 2024


Yesterday was quiet but productive. The afternoon was filled with herbs. I cut the basil plants, making five small jars of pesto and a partial ice cube tray of basil cubes. I had previously dried oregano, which I stripped from the stems. Two sage plants were cut down, one had the leaves put in the freezer. The other was put to hang and dry. Today will be thyme, tarragon and fennel fronds. The rosemary grows well in the house over winter, so it comes in. Signs of summer's end.

We are in the 80s F through Monday, then it cools to normal. Or what used to be considered normal. Being the delicate flower I am, I will occupy myself in the house until then. What a wimp.


Boud said...

That's quite an array of herbs. The kitchen must have smelled appetizing.

CheerfulMonk said...

Wimp no, smart yes. 😊

Rita said...

The older I get the more I don't like the heat. I thought the stereotype was old people always want it too warm--lol! Does that mean I am not an old person after all? LOL!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I hate the 80's too...especially if it is humid. The South wind may blow us away today:)

Sandra said...

The smell of basil can become overpowering when in large amounts! Well worth it though.

Sandra said...

I'll agree to that!

Sandra said...

Oh, I hope so because I cannot tolerate the heat.

Sandra said...

At first I thought you meant the 1980s and couldn't remember my saying anything about that. Then it kicked in! Humid saps the life right out. We don't have wind, there's barely a breeze.

Anvilcloud said...

Do you say the H in herbs? I don't, and I find that it annoys some people online.

Sandra said...

Nope. erbs. 😉 I believe it’s the common pronunciation in the US.

Lori Skoog said...

Please don't send the 80s to us... I have appreciated the cooler weather. Kudos to you for being productive.

Anonymous said...

I think Gatto looks like an English gentleman waiting for his nightly drink .
We are having a bit of heat wave here in Utah. The valley has been in the 90's. It is warm where I live but not the 90's.
Take Care,

Pixie said...

I love your decorating, especially the orange cat:)